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Beta Asuswrt-Merlin 386.3 beta is now available

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I'm happy to be wrong! :D

Particularly when Beta 2 is working as flawlessly as Beta 1 was. :)
flash from 386.2_6 to beta 2
PIA not working, I refreshed the VPN setup, no success
jumped back to the stable version, PIA working again with no issues
PIA working for other people, so your problem is your configuration, not the firmware.
386.3b2 just installed on my home router/AP combo. Working fine so far.
Yes Merlin
I´ll give another try later and let you know...

I've been using PIA with Merlin since 386.1 with no problems. Now on 386.3_beta2. Works like a charm.

Full instructions and opvn files to upload to the router are on the PIA support site.
Running B2 for a couple of hours, all working, even RP-AX56 playing nice!
Dirty upgrade from B1.

Also note: AMTM and Entware updated after B2 load.
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You might want to try unmounting any USB drives (from the GUI, main index page), and/or physically removing them before flashing a newer firmware. If that still fails, sometimes a fresh reboot shortly before another attempt at flashing has been beneficial.
nm i figured it out, tried microsoft edge worked fine. problem was chrome kept going back to login.
I've been using PIA with Merlin since 386.1 with no problems. Now on 386.3_beta2. Works like a charm.

Full instructions and opvn files to upload to the router are on the PIA support site.
I know the support site from PIA.
PIA was always working fine on the router all the time.
since the beta flash I had problems.
May be is because I did dirty flashes of the beta versions
I will reset completely the router and configure PIA again.
Let's GO!

EDIT: Filthy upgrade from the most recent Alpha on just the APs. No issues to report. Will reboot them in about 15 mins. All devices re-connected fine. Family didn't even notice. #winning

2nd EDIT: Will upgrade the main router tonight, wiping out my massive 19-day uptime... heh heh. Reset the clock!

Speed test checks out. 2nd reboot done. All systems go.

Random curiosity, didn't recognise that speed test, just wondering where it is from Shabbs? Cheers!
Random curiosity, didn't recognise that speed test, just wondering where it is from Shabbs? Cheers!
It's right in the Asus router firmware. There's an "Internet Speed" tab in the "Adaptive QOS" section.
Newbie question and slightly on-topic:

What does it mean when users asks rmerlin if the GPLs are merged? It’s «general public license», yes? so what does merging GPLs do in practice for the firmware and users of it? is it important to merge GPLs before features are activated, is that it? :) sorry for my ignorance, I tried googling it but found no good answers.
This change seems to break Yazfi

YazFi is working fine for me, I've got two guest networks configured and can confirm both are working as intended.
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