Recent content by dkyeager

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  1. D

    GT-AXE11000 hits the FCC

    Besides many notebooks, some of the latest motherboards also allow you to replace the Wi-Fi 6 with 6E using the AX210. Likewise no issues seen so far.
  2. D

    Enable Wifi 6E on GT-AXE11000 with this method!

    How about 160Mhz (the Broadcom chip supports this) at channel 15 or 47? Unless the power is cut back, you should be able to get slightly larger range as well since and interference will be reduced.
  3. D

    ROG Rapture GT-AXE11000

    The delay is concerning. Hopefully adding the 5.9GHz extension to 5GHz Wi-Fi put into immediate effect by the FCC in November (increases 160MHz channels from 2 to 3, etc). edit: this may be a better explanation: First 6E chip FCC approved Dec 7th...
  4. D

    802.11n Adapter roundup

    Thanks Tim for this review. 1) The addition of the access points clouds the dual band USB adapter data. Given a 2 to 3 upload to download usage ratio and a 1 to 1 adapter lifetime 2.4 to 5ghz usage ratio using and average of the best and worst location scores, here is what I came up with...
  5. D

    NETGEAR WNDR3700 Reviewed

    WNDA3100 V2 is labeled on the side of the stick, but the easier way to tell is the V1 only has a band indicator led, while v2 has a band indicator led and an AES button. photo on this page: If you are sorting through a pile of wnda3100s in...
  6. D

    NETGEAR WNDR3700 Reviewed

    Yes. I assume it is a function of the GUI interface and slow uplink speed at the router site (which then becomes your download speed, ie 750kb, etc.) I prefer telnet for this reason. I always recommend doing any of this within a VPN for security reasons. Actually faster to use remote desktop...
  7. D

    NETGEAR WNDR3700 Reviewed

    I did order 2 of the wndr3700 and 1 wnda3100. Unfortunately they shipped the wnda3100 version 1 which could be incompatible with the wndr3700 (see ). The other side of this story could be the improvements in wnda3100v2. Assuming my V1 was...
  8. D

    NETGEAR WNDR3700 Reviewed

    Good work! Appears to be especially good near the edge of its range (I thought the lack of an external antenna would be its weakness.) Wonder if the 5 MHz might even function in locations e & f. Of course the real proof will be the performance with the simultaneous use of 2.4 & 5.
  9. D

    Netgear WNDR3700 shipping

    excellent job on the wndr3700 guys!!. The dlink product that I have also been watching is the Extreme 450 N also annouced in January which seems to promise about the same specs as the wndr3700. Netgear seems way ahead or the dlink product has already been abandoned. Of course, real...