Recent content by rafagomes

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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. R

    Unbound unbound_manager (Manager/Installer utility for unbound - Recursive DNS Server)

    I am not sure if this thread is the best place to share my feedback on the youtube adblocker, and I can move to the correct place if necessary. I have noticed that the banner ads are blocked, but I am not sure if that is from the adblocker script or youtube adblocker, but still seeing somehow a...
  2. R

    wildcard cert for DDNS Let's Encrypt

    Thank you so much for your answer. Do you know if I choose to "Use the WebUI to configure one host and add the other through inadyn.conf.add" the WebUI SSL certificate would generate both certificates? My goal is to install nginx on my router and route the subdomains to specific machines, so I...
  3. R

    wildcard cert for DDNS Let's Encrypt

    Hi all, I am using this thread because it is the most recent one on the topic I could find and also the closest to my questions. My current setup is I have the router updating my IP and renewing my certificates for the asus DDNS and I want to migrate two DDNS: asus ddns (for my DoT DNS and...
  4. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    Thanks @dave14305 and @rgnldo I now able to use my unbound with dns firewall, adblock and (still not sure how well works) youtube adblocking on all my devices at all times. ;) I am taking as side project to create a PR to martineau script, I just need to figure it out the logic for: 1) Finding...
  5. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    I could not test yet. I will test and put the feedback here tomorrow morning. Do I have to put these firewall changes in some file to make it persistent?
  6. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    If that help to improve my router security I would be willing to do it and submit a PR to Martineau script. I am just not sure what is the DDNS workflow on the firmware, I try to find the ddns-start but I couldn't. Should the config look something like this? Also, is there any special settings...
  7. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    @dave14305 @rgnldo Is there a way to set unbound to listen only the WAN interface on the 853 instead of Would that be better? Good catch I will check that. I already have Skynet installed. Is there any special setting I should do to protect the specific 853 port?
  8. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    Apparently yes but only on TCP, assuming this means that there was some traffic on that port " 3497 373K ACCEPT tcp -- * * tcp dpt:853" Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out...
  9. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    I am not usre how to test the accessibility of the port 853. I know that the DDNS is accessible because I have a openvpn server running on my router and I use the ddns on all my ovpn config files. As you can see on my "iptables -S INPUT" output I have a similar rule "-A INPUT -p udp -m udp...
  10. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    I use the option "Free Certificate from Let's Encrypt" Under Wan > DDNS and I used asus ddns. After checking almost everything on the merlin github I don't know how is done, but I know that the lets encrypt fullchain.pem is copied as /etc/cert.pem, the domain.key -> /etc/key.pem and...
  11. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    It seems that they are. iptables -S INPUT -P INPUT ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 853 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 853 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -i eth0 -p igmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j INPUT_PING -A INPUT -m...
  12. R

    Unbound unbound_manager (Manager/Installer utility for unbound - Recursive DNS Server)

    Thank you for your suggestion, but I want to take advantage of the built in private DNS option that android offers. So I "almost" made it work. My android device is able to connect to the private DNS using my asus DDNS FQDN but only when I am connect to my LAN as soon I change to the mobile...
  13. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    So I am "almost" able to make it work. My android device is able to connect to the private DNS using my asus DDNS FQDN but only when I am connect to my LAN as soon I change to the mobile data it can no longer connect. It might be because I did something wrong when creating the iptables rules or...
  14. R

    Unbound unbound_manager (Manager/Installer utility for unbound - Recursive DNS Server)

    First I would like to thank the amazing job everyone is doing. Thanks to you all and Martineau script unbound is running perfectly for a week now and even better today when I installed youtube ad blocker. So much so I would like to use unbound as my private dns on my android devides, but I am...
  15. R

    Unbound - Authoritative Recursive Caching DNS Server

    First I would like to thank the amazing job everyone is doing. Thanks to you all and Martineau script unbound is running perfectly for a week now. So much so I would like to use unbound as my private dns on my android devides, but I am not sure on how to proceed. I wonder if there is a way for...