Recent content by rmariboe

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  1. R

    ZenWiFi XT8 2.5G WAN

    The modem's 10 Gbe driver is probably just new enough to support 5.0/2.5, too - it's supposedly not uncommon to implement both 10/1 and 5.0/2.5 since it became apparent that many wouldn't shell out for full 10 Gbe - or just couldn't accept the heat generation and, thus, bulky hardware
  2. R

    ASUS ZenWiFi XT12 or ET12

    I went for the XT8s back when ETs weren't released yet. In my area, the upper channels of 5-2 are constantly blocked by radar so wireless backhaul is pretty much useless for me, and I've resorted to wiring two of the XT8s in AIMesh Router/Node mode and configuring the third in Media Bridge mode...
  3. R

    Zenwifi XT8 - can node use the WAN port for LAN?

    Yes, in my experience, only router mode reserves the "WAN" (2.5 Gbe) port for WAN; in switch modes, all ports are available for LAN, and this guy confirms that AIMesh also works over a 2.5 to 2.5 connection in AP mode:
  4. R

    Asus ZenWifi XT8 2.5gb BackHaul cat6 link

    Sorry for resurrecting this thread; posts on the subject are scarce Did you come to any conclusion? I'm looking into adding a wired router to the setup like this guy: - It seems that even the main unit serving config to the rest may be connected to 2.5 ("WAN") when in AP mode...