Recent content by ThoseGuys

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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Ok so I need a smarter person to chime in here. Clearly and are not sufficient as dnsmasq.conf.add entries. How do I go about determining what domain the roku mlb tv app is connecting to. Is there a network/traffic snooping tool I can use to see domains that are being streamed...
  2. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Well I just did what the others above us did. If you look back on those long lists that users created they include Could this possibly be causing the problem?
  3. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    To my talented friends. Can anyone confirm they have this working for and a roku? I have the following in my dnsmasq.conf.add file but still no dice. server=/ server=/ server=/unblock-us/ Also have the .22 address in...
  4. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Hey thanks for all your hard work again. Not complaining at all here, just thought I'd mention that dnsmasq.conf.add files are still being deleted every time I reboot even with the latest 30_2 firmware.
  5. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Well, no luck. I'm not sure how anyone is successfully saving dnsmasq.conf.add files, but my router with the current firmware does not seem capable of it. Anyone here who has had success doing this please feel free to offer a solution or maybe just a step by step of how you get the file to...
  6. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    still no dice...Deleted every time I reboot. I'm going to try to go back to stock rom and then back to yours. Think there is any chance of that working?
  7. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Hey man, totally appreciate all of your work. You do amazing thing and i'm grateful for it. I know this issue has been mentioned before, but I too am experiencing my dnsmasq.conf.add file being deleted every time I reboot the router. I have reverted to 19b then to 20 and then back to the...
  8. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Hey, I'm trying to get it setup the way you did it. I made the dnsmasq.conf.add and added the servers and the check servers only. It isn't working though as my local blackout games are still blacked out. You say this works as long as you dnsmasq assigns itself as primary dns to all...
  9. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Just checking in.. Anyone want to take this on?
  10. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Yes, there is no way to change it on the Roku itself that is why I need to figure out a device specific setup in the router. In fact all I really need is for the mlb tv app on the roku to use the Unblock-US dns, but I will settle for the whole device if I must. Someone in here has got to be...
  11. T

    Adding Unblock-Us DNS using DNSMasq

    Ok this may very well be a dumb question, but seeing as I don't know what Im doing I wouldn't even know if I was asking a dumb question. I am trying to get this setup to where my Roku uses the Unblock-Us DNS but have every other device connect to the standard isp DNS. Would I do this in the...
  12. T

    Tutorial pyLoad Download Manager through Optware

    Alright so for anyone that is with us so far that wants to know how to move the extracted file to a new folder you need to edit torrentexpander settings. You can do that by logging into your router through putty and entering:/opt/bin/ -c From there you can change all kinds of...
  13. T

    Tutorial pyLoad Download Manager through Optware

    Ahh, thanks. Is there a way to edit the torrentexpander settings in putty, or do I have to edit the .ini file in a text editor? Edit: NM figured out how to access the gui...
  14. T

    Tutorial pyLoad Download Manager through Optware

    It went silent in here, can anyone help me out?