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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. A

    Help me design my home’s network. 802.11n vs Powerline?

    Hi, I have recently moved to a new house and I need to design my home’s network. The thing is that I need wired connections inside the dining room in at the first floor as well as inside my office on the second floor. Unfortunately this is a rental house and layout of the rooms is in such a...
  2. A

    New a fast router with multiple subnets support

    Hi, A problem that I have at my home is that my current router puts all LAN and Wireless devices on the same subnet. I need to separate them but I couldn't find a fast wireless router with a reasonable price to do so. Bascially, I need: Gigabit ethernet (4~8 ports) Good wireless N...