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  1. mairuay

    Timezone settings

    Thx, solved for now :D
  2. mairuay

    Timezone settings

    Actually i'm in GMT+1 but when i set to GMT+1 the time is one hour ahead, when i set to GMT the time is one hour behind. How can i fix this?
  3. mairuay

    DNS timeouts

    resetted to factory. everything fine now.
  4. mairuay

    DNS timeouts

    i don't think its my computer. nslookups run well when i use my mobiles tethering to connect to the internet. C:\>ipconfig /all Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : XXXX Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid...
  5. mairuay

    DNS timeouts

    I disabled IPv6 on the interface. No Luck. "ipconfig /flushdns" did not help as well I can run the nslookup command on the routers cmdline without any timeouts. Ill try with a cable.
  6. mairuay

    DNS timeouts

    I use merlin 374.42_2 in my AC68U. I recognized that some websites take long to initially load for some time now. This weekend i found out that i get alot of random DNS timeouts on my win81 system. So, i tested with different DNS Servers form different providers and I also tested different...
  7. mairuay

    ASUS RT-AC68U - PCE-AC68 performance

    updated to 374.41 everything fine now :)
  8. mairuay

    ASUS RT-AC68U - PCE-AC68 performance

    I now installed the external antenna that came with the PCI card. The Tool show 1300Mpbs but i still get only about 15-20MB/sec avg. The other computer is a NAS, however with cable i get 50MB/Sec. to the NAS. The Router and the NAS are in the other room just one wall away from my PC. The...
  9. mairuay

    ASUS RT-AC68U - PCE-AC68 performance

    Im using the ASUS RT-AC68U and have ASUS PCE-AC68 in my Win8.1 PC. The PCE Software shows that im connected with 1300Mbps. That should be more than with a 1Gbit NIC. But when i copy a File i get only around an avg of 20Mb/sec over ac (peaks vary between 12 and 28), with cable i get around...
  10. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    Yeah, ipkg is there. Thanks!! BTW: "Improve Your Web Surfing Speed with OpenDNS" I not really see a reason why using the OpenDNS server can speed up browsing. Are these servers faster than those from google or my ISP?
  11. mairuay

    ASUS RT-AC68U Firmware version

    I had the same problem. In my case this was because the Adapter went into Powersaving mode. Disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option in the network Adapter configuration. This is on by default in Windows 8.1. Cheers
  12. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    It's formattted with ext2 on the primary 2GB partition. It is mounted on /tmp/mnt/sda1 Inside i have following directories: Download2 asusware.arm lost+found I can write read/write from commandline. "find . -name opkg" does not find anything.
  13. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    hmm i did this already and i have the uninstallation "leftovers" on the usb device. But there is no opkg.
  14. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    How can i setup opendns then? I don't have opkg where can i get it?
  15. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    Ah ok, thanks Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit Tapatalk
  16. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    Got it from the wiki: it is linked from here: However i can't find it on my ac68u.
  17. mairuay

    Entware easy setup

    According the documentation the should be located in /tmp/mnt/sda1/asusware This seems to be a folder on an usb stick but where do i get the asusware stuff from?
  18. mairuay

    Unable to access settings

    what a shame. i mixed up the LED Off button with the reset button :rolleyes: I works now again.
  19. mairuay

    Unable to access settings

    I just wanted to connect to my RT-AC68U but i get this message: "Settings have been updated. Web page will now refresh. Changes have been made to the IP address or port number. You will now be disconnected from RT-AC68U. To access the settings of RT-AC68U, reconnect to the wireless network...