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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. slicktux

    RT-AX86U - system log spam from Tuya Smart device

    @slurmsmckenzie Verify that that MAC address is indeed coming from one of your devices. . .if so its a "compatibility issue" and maybe try enabling b/n/g support in your router. Whatever the case the router should work with older devices as most are backwards compatible. If you do have PMF set...
  2. slicktux

    RT-AX86U - system log spam from Tuya Smart device

    I looked into and found this problem because I kept getting connectivity issues; I noticed the constant log entries for deauth/auth and down the rabbit hole I went. After the re-location I've since not had any problems with my connectivity because the spamming brute forces have stopped. You can...
  3. slicktux

    RT-AX86U - system log spam from Tuya Smart device

    UPDATE: Upon further investigation I was able to identify a rogue station that keeps hopping from network to network looking for open networks. The RSSI of the culprit is -81 in the area my router was in originally. I've since moved it to the opposite side of my home and have also lowered the...
  4. slicktux

    RT-AX86U - system log spam from Tuya Smart device

    Wireless MAC Filter will work. . .as I had set it to reject that MAC address and I stopped seeing those log entries but mind you just because I can't see them in my logs does not mean my routers NOT having to constantly reject that MAC spamming the hell out of it. You may be right that the...
  5. slicktux

    RT-AX86U - system log spam from Tuya Smart device

    It's strange because I am getting the same log entries from a Tuya device as well. 18:69:D8:XX:XX:XX Problem is the mac address does NOT belong to any of my devices. I've tried changing my SSID with no avail. Any ideas why I am getting these log entries for a device that is unknown to me?
  6. slicktux

    Network printing with ASUS RT-AC66R/CUPS

    Which one do i choose?.. Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) Internet Printing Protocol (ipps) Internet Printing Protocol (http) Internet Printing Protocol (https) AppSocket/HP JetDirect LPD/LPR Host or Printer I assume it's LPD/LPR Host or Printer. What syntax should i use...
  7. slicktux

    Questions regarding SFTP and Dropbear

    Thank You!
  8. slicktux

    Questions regarding SFTP and Dropbear

    after hours of searching and reading, i am finally able to access my USB via SFTP. the results unfortunately where not as expected. Accessing my USB via SFTP only works when using my Routers 'ASUS RT-AC66U' Admin and Root Password. Using a user created for FTP Share e.g...