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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. R

    Asuswrt-Merlin 378.55 is now available

    Just updated my RT-AC68U running in Bridge-Mode and i'm getting my AFP shares again in OSX!! That's pretty cool!! That was broken for a looooooong time...... :-)
  2. R

    Media Bridge Mode - Multicast not working

    Seeing the same issues with AFP shares. Can't connect to my TimeMachine running on a Synology through mediabridge on a RT-AC68U. Normal wireless direct works perfectly.
  3. R

    IPv6 and media bridge/repeater mode

    Yeah tried that too. No difference indeed. The only thing i haven't tested is with Tomato firmware.
  4. R

    IPv6 and media bridge/repeater mode

    Hi, just to confirm i'm seeing exactly the same thing in Bridge mode on my RT-AC68U. Wireless and wired clients with IPV6 work fine on the network but my wired-client behind the Bridge fails. It gets and adress but traffic doesn't follow the correct gateway. Currently on 378.50 firmware and...
  5. R

    IPv6 not working with Merlin 378.50

    Hi, not to "hijack" your topic, but i'm seeing something similar on my RT-AC68U. Running 378.50 too and i've tried it with the last official Asus firmware. But i run the device in Media Bridge mode. IPv6 works perfect over the wireless but with the device on cable behind the MEdia Bridge...