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  1. H


    I know this post is way back but did you ever resolved the issue? or was the router bricked. I have the same exact problem. thx
  2. H

    [TM-AC1900 (RT-AC68U)] - Bricked while flashing from Tomato to Merlin

    thanks for the info. so I am pretty much out of luck with this router?
  3. H

    [TM-AC1900 (RT-AC68U)] - Bricked while flashing from Tomato to Merlin

    Hello, the serial cable just got in and I got the router opened up. plug in the pins ground, tx from cable to routers rx, rx from cable to router tx. installed the cable driver. my problem right now is that I can get putty to work. putty opens up fine but the screen stay black and I can't...
  4. H

    TM-AS1900 Bricked or Not Bricked

    Thanks for your response! by a chance would you know the guide to to the nand programming?
  5. H

    [Q] Might have brick the new TM-AC1900 during flash.

    Thanks for taking your time and write this up! Very much appreciated. But man... I think I bricked it. I tried, and can never get the power led to blink. The only light stay on is the USB 2 and the LAN port that is plugged to my computer. It is frustrating. I will keep on trying. Thanks...
  6. H

    TM-AS1900 Bricked or Not Bricked

    Hello all! Any help is greatly appreciated it. So I got the TM-AC1900 today and tried to use the Asus firmware. I followed a video from slick deals and everything was working to the point I had to flash 3 files using telnet. After the flash I exit and hold the wps and unplug the power and...
  7. H

    [Q] Might have brick the new TM-AC1900 during flash.

    Hi, I am having the same problem as you. got the to same point after flashing that 3 files and seems like my router got bricked. I tried to do the 30/30/30 but it seems like nothing is working. how are you setting the ip manually? any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Hien