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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. N

    AX86U Hard wired node works but showing disconnected

    Since latest firmware update (388.1). My hard wired node AX86U showing cable disconnected. Cable is connected and works fine. When mesh status is checked on android app. It shows normal. Have both screenshots attached. I have reset both Router and node to factory and setup mesh again, that...
  2. N

    Bandwidth Limiter under guest network

    ISP speed is 30/5, I update simply by choosing downloaded file. Never reset to factory or such. Just read your instructions for entire reset option. That's a full day work lol, I'll give it a try on my day off. thanks for your time.
  3. N

    Bandwidth Limiter under guest network

    Not sure what that means, there are mo other options other than setting simple limits. Please see the picture of settings page. Might give you an idea.
  4. N

    Bandwidth Limiter under guest network

    Lan (intranet) access is off it's only internet that is shared. I tried increasing speed gradually. It works for a little bit then stops again.
  5. N

    Bandwidth Limiter under guest network

    I am having issues with my Asus RT AC3100 when enabled bandwidth limiter. It blocks internet completely for all the guests. I wanted to set 1mb for both upload and download. I'm using latest firmware 384.13. Any suggestions please?
  6. N

    2 clients are connecting to RT-AC68U?

    Hi, You would see more than one devices connected through one node, when multiple devices sharing same MAC address. Such as smart TVs use same mac address for their WiFi and LAN card. TV will always be assigned same IP regardless of the connection used. But if you have WiFi and LAN both...
  7. N

    A bug in parent control 》time schedule

    I have CTF turned off, will continue to monitor to find out the outcome. Thanks for the input guys. Hopefully this will help resolve the issue.
  8. N

    A bug in parent control 》time schedule

    Thanks for quick response, by disabling that, will it slow the overall performance down for the router?
  9. N

    A bug in parent control 》time schedule

    I just noticed that there is a bug in the latest update 380.69 that i have in my RT-AC87u My son's computer is scheduled to have internet access from 0700 to 2200. It works good if you use regular internet but when he plays minecraft game online let say start 21:45 his computer will continue...