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  • SNBForums Code of Conduct

    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. O

    AX88U 160mhz control channels not showing up

    Gotcha. Thank you so much! Really appreciate it :)
  2. O

    AX88U 160mhz control channels not showing up

    Thanks a lot! Does that mean that as long as I selected the 16omhz bandwidth, the choice of control channel doesn't matter? I'm asking cuz my Intel 9260 sometimes recognize the network as 160mhz with 1.7Gbps, while most times the connection speed is just 867Mbps...
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    AX88U 160mhz control channels not showing up

    Hi guys, I got the router several days ago and was trying to enable the 160mhz mode. However I can't find channel 50 and 114 (160mhz channel) in the list. Are there any specific settings that I need to tweak? Firmware version: Asus-Merlin 384.12 beta1. The reason I'm not using the 384.11_2 or...