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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. Domeus

    Solved Logging not working after reboot or use of OVPN Director

    @skeal did you solved this? I have the same problem. Stops to "mounting skynet web page.." after that dead silent log. I will call @Adamm and @cmkelley is this problem caused by scribe? Once skynet opened from AMTM then log continues to populate again:
  2. Domeus

    Unbound unbound_manager (Manager/Installer utility for unbound - Recursive DNS Server) - General questions / discussion thread 2

    It works, but somehow it wont work after reboot. Cron job disappears after reboot. Any tips? BEFORE: AFTER REBOOT:
  3. Domeus

    AdGuardHome [RELEASE] Asuswrt-Merlin-AdGuardHome-Installer (AMAGHI)

    If I want to use unbound same time, how I have to config to get it work correctly? Disable cache from unbound?
  4. Domeus

    AdGuardHome [RELEASE] Asuswrt-Merlin-AdGuardHome-Installer (AMAGHI)

    installer adds Bootstrap DNS servers in wrong format. "Error: control/dns_config | [] can not be used as bootstrap dns cause: invalid bootstrap server address: Resolver [] is not eligible to be a bootstrap DNS server | 400"
  5. Domeus

    AdGuardHome [RELEASE] Asuswrt-Merlin-AdGuardHome-Installer (AMAGHI)

    Yep, same problem BUT im not using unbouns, AC86U and installed from AMTM. DNS resolution fails, after adguard is installed.
  6. Domeus

    Odd behavior after Upgrading from 384.15 to newest 386.3_2

    I have exactly the same behavior with my RT-AC86U router and 386.3_2 FW. Have been long time. Also sometimes client list freeze totally, and not updating disconnect / connected devices.