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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

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  1. C

    Opening port 25 on AX88 router

    I wonder then why my email is failing to go out and telnet to port 25 on the ASUS router is refused connection. When I just tried to telnet to my WAN IP on port 25 there was not problem in connecting. I will see if I can use the WAN IP for the application. Many thanks for your help.
  2. C

    Opening port 25 on AX88 router

    May be I am not clear with my question. I want to open port 25 on the router so I can send out emails using an email application on a device on my home network. My ISP does not block port 25.
  3. C

    Opening port 25 on AX88 router

    I am unable to telnet to my ASUS router as shown below: telnet 25 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused I have used port forwading to forward the port to a local device but the application cannot go past the router. Any help is greatly...
  4. C

    AX86U not updating to Merling 386.7_2

    Problem solved after ejecting the USB the update was completed successfully.
  5. C

    AX86U not updating to Merling 386.7_2

    I just updated my ASUS AX88U to 386.7_2 but it keeps on showing the firmware as 386.7 and telling me a new firmware 386.7_2 is available. I have done the firmware update 3 times and still the same issue. I have rebooted and powered down after each update and still the same message about new...
  6. C

    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    I have disabled and the re-enabled the eclude devices from ad-blocking and the photo shows the syslog log. I have disabled and enabled the "exclude devices from ad-blocking in diversion". The result is syslog is shown in photo below: The client is HP laptop running Windows 10 and does not use...
  7. C

    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    Yes, I did. See photo.
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    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    How do I check the syslog? The interesting part is that it worked before I upgraded to 4.3. and to Standard from Lite.
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    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    The client is a laptop and is shut down every night and powered on the following day and still no change.
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    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    i have done both soft and hard power reboot but still not working. The excluded client is till getting adverts blocked.
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    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    Yes, I did. Please see the screenshot of it:
  12. C

    Diversion Client exclusion setup

    I have followed the manual in setting up client exclusion but it does not appear to be working. The adverts continue to be blocked on the excluded client. I have an AX-88U router with Merlin 386_7 installed. Diversion 4.3.0 Standard, Unbound and Skynet are also installed. The DHCP Pool Start...
  13. C

    Just installed unbound on AX88U but it will not start.

    The firmware is 386_7. The problem has been resolved. I did a hard reboot of the router and now ubound is reported as running. However I don't know why i am getting this: " Warning WAN: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver=YES". Is the setting to be changed to NO? Many thanks for...
  14. C

    Just installed unbound on AX88U but it will not start.

    I just installed unbound on AX-88U but it will not start. I am new to unbound. I am already running Diversion and Skynet on the router without any issues.
  15. C

    Solved VPN clients timing out and not connecting

    Many thanks for your help. I found out that cloudflare was proxing my DDNS but as soon as I removed that, the devices were able to conect to the OpenVPN server.
  16. C

    Diversion Unable to read comments on website

    @PeterR I have tried your suggestion. I have been able to resolve the email link but the comments on the website is more difficult. The log is showing many domains and it's difficult to know which one will resolve the issue. I may have to switch off Diversion when visting the Times website.
  17. C

    Solved VPN clients timing out and not connecting

    I just set up a VPN Server on AX88U to be usd for connecting with my home LAN when out of the house. The following client ovpn minus the ca was generated: # Config generated by Asuswrt-Merlin 386.5, requires OpenVPN 2.4.0 or newer. client dev tun proto udp remote 6874...
  18. C

    Diversion Unable to read comments on website

    After installing Diversion on RT-AX88U, I am unable to do the following: 1. I am no longer able to read comments to articles on London Times web site, though I am happy that it is helping to block the adverts. I have a paid subscription to the web site and will like to be able to read the...
  19. C

    Unbound Buffering and disconnects after installing unbound

    I am a newbie to Merlin. I have installed etmware, unbound and diversion on my Asus router AX-88U. I just installed unbound and then I start to experience buffering and laptop connecting and disconecting from the router. I used amtm to install the unbound and used all the default settings. Any...