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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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    TUF images with and without TUF UI

    Great, thanx
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    TUF images with and without TUF UI

    How to fix it then?
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    [ 388.2 alpha Build(s) ] Testing available build(s)

    Asus TUF AX5400 Firmware: 388.1_0-gnuton1_tuf cannot finfd DNS filter under LAN and unable to install unbound as a result.
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    TUF images with and without TUF UI

    Cannot find DNS filter under LAN
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.7 is now available for all Gnuton's models too

    Do you guys know how to avoid double NAT on two routers? While I am on router mode I got firewalled in torrent aps.
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.7 is now available for all Gnuton's models too

    Thanx for that mate, you are a star!!! Completely forgot about that LOL.
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.7 is now available for all Gnuton's models too

    Then, buying the router was pointless, regardless it was a bargain. Thanx for help.
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.7 is now available for all Gnuton's models too

    To have a parental control, for example. I'm not familiar with the merlin thing, know more about openwrt which I've been working with for ages.
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    Release Asuswrt-Merlin 386.7 is now available for all Gnuton's models too

    I have just installed 386.07_2-gnuton1 on my ax5400 and got only extra tools available apart from regular options from original. Is it normal? Shouldn't there be more?