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Urgent Looking for Realtime Bandwidth Monitoring Software

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Network Freak 2009

Occasional Visitor
I am looking for free Software that just tells me how much bandwidth I consume on my Entire Network through Wired and Wireless Connections.ATT Decided to Cap DSL And Uverse Consumers and I would like to know if there is Software that could help me decide what course of action to take because I do a lot of Netflix Streaming and other Members of the family also play Xbox,PS3,WOW?

I already tried a program called NXworks but that has to be installed on each PC I would like to monitor so it won't work for the Xbox 360 or PS3.
One option may be "If your router supports it". I have U-Verse, prior to that had cable from one ISP, and another ISP prior to that. Many of the routers and linux distros that I usually use for my edge device have fantastic bandwidth monitoring.

We're heavy online gaming, XBox, online video users too, and I also do TONS of IT work from home...downloading lots of "stuff" to work on/repair PCs...transferring many files to clients networks/servers, downloading oodles of *nix distros...and honestly the ISPs bandwidth limits are quite realistic....I've never had issues.

Those limits are there really for them to have a baseline for the super huge abusers...those warez downloads that frequent bad stuff like torrents/p2p stuff and go all out in sucking the life out of their connection...going waaaaaaay off the charts. If your "normal legal" use occasionally bumps their limits...I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
Concerned about Caps and Netflix

I am just concerned because I watch Netflix mostly HD Every night mostly for 1-5 hours straight.

Do you know any Windows Software that Monitors bandwith for all Network Devices?

I have a Linksys Router but it's a Recent Model so there is No third Party Firmware Out for it yet.

And I can install Linux on a PC but I use alot of Software that requires Windows such as Adobe and that is the OS my Family has used for a Long Time I am sure I can get the Hang of Linux but am not so sure about the rest of the Family.
Software installed on a local PC on the network can only monitor that PCs activity. You need either software that can remote monitor SNMP enabled devices like your router...or get a router that supports that feature directly on it.

When I say "*nix router"...I don't mean a computer that people use. I mean a dedicated computer that you install a *nix router distro on...and that becomes your router/firewall instead of the Linksys. Check out the articles here on PFSense for an idea.

What model is the Linksys?
There was a program for Linksys and Netgear routers called "linklogger"...dunno how updated that is now to work with current models.
Have you looked into dd-wrt for your linksys? They have bandwidth monitoring on the firmware now...

DD-WRT.com. Do some reading on the site and in the forums before you just download and flash - some routers can be tricky to install, and the database from the front page isn't always up to date.
Sorry for taking so long too post

Sorry for taking so long too post

I have been following DD-WRT since the Linksys E4200 came out but no Firmware has been Released yet.
I have a GS108T managed switch sitting "inside" my FIOS router. All traffic to the internet goes through the link from the switch to the router. I don't use the wireless portion of the FIOS router, I have a separate WIFI access point. I use SNMP to get the counter data from that port once per hour and append it to a CSV file. You do have to be aware that it is only a 32 bit counter so it does wrap frequently.

My experience watching Netflix streaming is about 1GB / hour. So even watching 5 hours / day times 30 days is only 150 GB.
Have a look here

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