Recent content by dibu

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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

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  1. D

    Does DIR 825 support static routing on the LAN side?

    I think port forwarding to the other subnet is somehow .... I forward the port to the gateway for this subnet first and then take the next step from the gateway itself. I also think this is the "natural" way doing this. In my configuration I have WD My Book World Edition (MBWE) with open...
  2. D

    Does DIR 825 support static routing on the LAN side?

    If it's not too late ... ...there is a solution for the DIR-655 althoug with newer firmware releases ... it's something like a hack... ... no it isn't ... Have a look here:;topic=6422.0 As the Web Interface of both routers look...
  3. D

    DIR-655 strange multicast/igmp issue

    Th eproblem is very specific and dependant on your service providers infrastructure... Who's your ISP?