Recent content by Eric P.

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  1. E

    Confessions of a 10GbE Network Newbie

    I didn't notice it anywhere on the card. I'm not sure if that would be the issue, if I can get it to properly start and recognize the drives. It almost always recognizes the drives when I pull the top off the Roswill 4u 12 bay case. It seems that the issue has something to do with that...
  2. E

    Confessions of a 10GbE Network Newbie

    To my knowledge I have the latest firmware, unless they came out with a new on in the last few months. I'll check on that tonight. Also, I am running without a battery back up (I utilize a UPS). I have considered getting the battery backup, but I haven't purchased one as of yet.
  3. E

    Confessions of a 10GbE Network Newbie

    Oh, sorry, They are both running Windows 10.
  4. E

    Confessions of a 10GbE Network Newbie

    Hey Guys, Super informative blog, which I used to build my home 10GbE network without a switch. A little information on my setup. I use a work station to work station direct connection via Cat 6 to intel x540 T1 cards. One of my workstations is acting like a file server running windows 10...