Recent content by eviltone

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  1. E

    This keeps popping up with the new update, any ideas on how to stop it?

    i've come across that lately as well.. i jsut open a new tab and reconnect to it.
  2. E

    RT-AC68U with Asus PCE-AC68 adapter WIFI(5G) issue

    had this issue with a friend of mine's setup.. i went to the asus website and downloaded a newer driver for the PCE-AC68 card. It sure as heck fixed that issue. BTW -- this was back in August sometime.
  3. E

    Overclocking RT-AC56U

    I'm trying to find the command as well to see what acceptable values there are, as I can't OC the memory on my new one either. Only the processor.
  4. E

    Overclocking RT-AC56U

    Ahh Thnak you so much Rmerlin!! You rock, dude!! EDIT: Saw this.... Bootloader (CFE) after trying to set memory to anything other than 533 resulted in a reset to defaults....
  5. E

    Overclocking RT-AC56U

    I have now tried 1000,667 still resets back to 800,533.... DOH!! Maybe they changed something recently?
  6. E

    Overclocking RT-AC56U

    Just got an AC56U Just got my AC56U today.... Trying to Overclock, Getting into SSH with Putty..... Typing nvram set clkfreq=900,666 nvram commit nvram get clkfreq ((returns 900,666)) reboot After reboot -- the clock frequencies change back to stock..... When i reboot, the nvram get...