Recent content by jasonslay

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  1. jasonslay

    Asus RT-AC87R port forwarding not working?

    To be clear this is happening from the outside. It's more than just NAT loopback. My forwards stop working after 24-72 hours (seems random). I go back into WAN > Port Forwarding and click Apply and all is good (for the next 24 to 72 hours).
  2. jasonslay

    AC87U NAT loopback

    I am seeing this exact same issue on all of the latest builds (including RMerlin's builds). It appears to be more than just loopback as I cannot reach my webserver from the outside when this happens. I will try other ports the next time this happens. I also have a 2am gremlin "rc_service: rc...
  3. jasonslay

    AC87U NAT loopback

    I am having a similar issue, but it appears to be more than just NAT loopback. All of my port forwards seem to clear out (12-72 hours). I go back in to the settings (where everything still appears) and click apply and then everything works again.
  4. jasonslay

    ASUS RT-AC87 Firmware - Official Releases

    Thank you RMerlin! Thank your RMerlin for all of your hard work! Please take your time. Thank you for your patience with people on this forum. This is the internet after all and you get a mixed bag of people. :-)
  5. jasonslay

    ASUS RT-AC87 Firmware - Official Releases

    Sounds to me like something is wrong. I haven't had to reboot at all. Maybe try to restore and see if this continues to be a problem?