Recent content by osi

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  1. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    Confirmed the setting the "Enable Firewall" option to 'YES' will indeed close this port up. No worries here for now. I'm more surprised that by default, the router is WAN accessible if the modem permits. Thanks Zirescu
  2. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    Will confirm firewall tomorrow and test. Hopefully it's as simple as that :)
  3. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    The beta release has corrected the exposed interface being accessed by external ip or WAN ip. The interface seems dog slow but I'm sure that will be ironed out when it's officially rolled out. Maybe we'll see it rolled into merlin soon.
  4. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    I just flashed back to ASUS firmware. I have a RT-N66U and it has ASUS version The same bug (maybe feature) plagues the official firmware as well. There is a beta version with a clip from patch notes : "Restriced access from wan method to enhance security...
  5. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    I confirmed with cell phone when I tried hitting my WAN IP from my laptop and was shocked when the page actually resovled-- and YES, the page is still accessible from celluar network. Also I have no VPN setup on the router so we can rule that out.
  6. O

    [ASUSWRT-MERLIN] Web interface OFF, but still showing

    I can confirm this is an issue. I came to the forums to see if others have the problem. I upgraded from an older version and it too had the same problem. The "Enable Web Access from WAN" feature technically works--it opens up passthrough to router via WAN IP and port 8080. However, whether...