Recent content by radza

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  1. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    What is your intention? Not sure what upnp is needed for. I disabed it, nothing changed
  2. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    The funny thing is. I explicitly configured the WOL on my nas via Ethtool on the CLI to exclusively react to a magic packet. I could also set the attribute that would make my nas wake via arp request.. but it seems to ignore this.. or maybe i am just on the wrong path here.. really frustrating...
  3. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    Maybe I am wrong about my arp-related suspicion.. This is a logfile my NAS created. Maybe this helps? Can you see anything?
  4. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    Unfortunately i need the WOL feature of AiCloud, so disabling it is no way to go for me =/ While it's disabled, by the way, the NAS does NOT wake up from harddrive-hibernation mode. It has no effect on the deep sleep mode where the blue LED pulses and the whole system hibernates at 2W~. In the...
  5. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    thanks a lot for that quick response Unfortunately that didnt do the trick :( Killing networkmap made me take a closer look to the table of processes. I discovered a service called lighttpd-arpping which i killed for testing. That seemed to help. The nas stayed asleep a while longer. But the...
  6. radza

    RT66U Firing ARP-Requests all day (Waking my Synology NAS from Sleep)

    Hi there SNB-Community! I have an issue regarding a RT66U-Router and it's "feature"/habit to relentlessly fire arp-request-broadcasts into my "small net". That wouldn't be a problem if it were'nt for my NAS Server (Synology DS213+), which is configured to fall into hibernation mode after 10...