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Tutorial Automatically Reboot Asus Router on Network Failures


Occasional Visitor
I wrote a script to automatically detect internet outages and reboot the router if needed, ensuring minimal downtime.

It monitors internet connectivity by pinging multiple well-known IP addresses (Google DNS, Cloudflare, and Quad9) up to three times each. If any of the pings succeed, the script exits.

If all attempts fail, the script triggers a reboot of the router, which helps address common connectivity issues. This approach ensures the router's settings are refreshed and can help resolve certain network problems without manual intervention.

Please let me know what you think, first time doing something like this.

Step 1: Enable Persistent JFFS2 partition and SSH
  1. Log into Asus router – 192.168.xxx.xxx and log in using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Administration -> System tab.
  3. In Persistent JFFS2 partition section:
    • Enable JFFS custom scripts and configs – Yes.
  4. In Service section:
    • Enable SSH - LAN only.
    • Allow SSH Port Forwarding - No.
    • Set SSH Port - 22.
    • Enable Allow Password Login - Yes.
    • Leave Authorized Keys blank.
    • Set Idle Timeout - 20.

Step 2: Install an SSH client on Windows
  1. Download and install PuTTY (https://www.putty.org/)

Step 3: Connect to your router via SSH using PuTTY
  1. Open PuTTY.
  2. Enter Host Name: 192.168.xxx.xxx.
  3. Set Port: 22
  4. Select Connection: SSH
  5. Click Open and confirm the security alert.
  6. Log in using your Asus router credentials.

Step 4: Create the script file

Open PuTTY and run the following command:
vi /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh

Step 5: Enter Insert Mode

Press i to enter insert mode in the editor

Step 6: Copy and paste the script

# Script to monitor internet connectivity and reboot the router if all ping attempts fail.
# Log file and self-check mechanism ensure efficient and safe operation.

# Log file location (persistent across reboots)

# Maximum log size in bytes (e.g., 512KB = 524288 bytes)

# Number of ping attempts per target

# List of ping targets (space-separated IPs)

# Minimum time between reboots (in seconds, e.g., 30 minutes = 1800 seconds)

# File to store the timestamp of the last reboot

# Get the current time in seconds since the epoch
CURRENT_TIME=$(date +%s)

# Rotate the log file if it exceeds the maximum size
rotate_log() {
    if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
        LOG_SIZE=$(stat -c %s "$LOG_FILE")  # Get the size of the log file
        if [ "$LOG_SIZE" -ge "$MAX_LOG_SIZE" ]; then
            echo "Log file size exceeds limit. Rotating log..." > "$LOG_FILE"

# Self-check to prevent repeated reboots within the specified interval
if [ -f "$LAST_REBOOT_FILE" ]; then
    LAST_REBOOT=$(cat "$LAST_REBOOT_FILE")  # Read the last reboot timestamp
        echo "Last reboot was less than $((MIN_REBOOT_INTERVAL / 60)) minutes ago. Exiting script." >> "$LOG_FILE"
        logger -t "$(basename $0)" "Last reboot was less than $((MIN_REBOOT_INTERVAL / 60)) minutes ago. Exiting script."
        exit 0

# Log tag for identifying messages in the ASUS GUI system log
TAG="$(basename $0)"

# Start the ping test
echo "Starting the ping test at $(date)"
logger -t "$TAG" "Starting the ping test at $(date)"

# Loop through the list of ping targets
    echo "Pinging target: $PING_TARGET"
    logger -t "$TAG" "Pinging target: $PING_TARGET"

    while [ "$COUNTER" -lt "$ATTEMPTS" ]; do
        echo "Attempt $((COUNTER + 1)) to ping $PING_TARGET..."
        logger -t "$TAG" "Attempt $((COUNTER + 1)) to ping $PING_TARGET..."

        # Ping the target
        ping -c 4 "$PING_TARGET" > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then  # If ping succeeds
            echo "Ping to $PING_TARGET succeeded."
            logger -t "$TAG" "Ping to $PING_TARGET succeeded."
            exit 0

        # Log failed attempt and increment the counter
        COUNTER=$((COUNTER + 1))
        rotate_log  # Check if the log file needs rotation
        echo "Ping to $PING_TARGET failed (attempt $COUNTER) at $(date)" >> "$LOG_FILE"
        logger -t "$TAG" "Ping to $PING_TARGET failed (attempt $COUNTER) at $(date)"
        # Wait before the next attempt
        echo "Waiting 5 seconds before the next attempt..."
        sleep 5

# If all pings fail, log the failure and reboot the router
rotate_log  # Check if the log file needs rotation
echo "All pings failed. Rebooting router at $(date)" >> "$LOG_FILE"
logger -t "$TAG" "All pings failed. Rebooting router at $(date)"
echo "Rebooting router due to failed ping attempts..." >> "$LOG_FILE"
logger -t "$TAG" "Rebooting router due to failed ping attempts..."

# Record the current time as the last reboot timestamp

# Allow time for the log to be written before reboot
sleep 10
service reboot

Step 7: Save and exit
  1. After pasting the script, press Esc
  2. Type :wq and hit Enter to save and exit.

Step 8: Permit the script file to be executable
  1. Run the following command:
chmod +x /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh

Step 9: Add the Persistent Cron Job​

  1. Open the services-start file for editing:
    vi /jffs/scripts/services-start
  2. Enter insert mode by pressing i and add the following lines:
    cru a PingReboot "*/5 * * * * /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh"
  3. Save and exit the file by pressing Esc, typing :wq, and pressing Enter.
  4. Make the services-start script executable:
    chmod +x /jffs/scripts/services-start

Step 10: Test the script as-is (run manually)

cd /jffs/scripts


Output should be:
Starting the ping test at DATE
Pinging target:
Attempt 1 to ping
Ping to succeeded.

Step 11: Reboot router and verify the Cron Job

1. Reboot router
2. After rebooting the router, check if the cron job is active by running:
cru l
You should see:
PingReboot = */5 * * * * /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh #PingReboot#

Step 12: View the log

1. Navigate to the /jffs directory:
cd /jffs

2. View the entire log file:
cat ping_reboot.log

3. Clear the log (Optional)
> ping_reboot.log

Step 13: Self-Test

After completing the setup, unplug the WAN connection to simulate an internet outage and observe whether the script triggers a reboot correctly.
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If all attempts fail, it triggers a reboot, which can resolve many common network issues like temporary ISP outages and helps ensure your router stays connected to the internet without requiring manual intervention.

The common advice for ISP outages is to reboot the modem, not the router.
Please let me know what you think, first time doing something like this.
Well done on your script.

I think you forgot to include the last line where it presumably executes a service reboot command.

May I also suggest that you post your script inside a CODE block instead of QUOTE block as it makes it more readable and doesn't mess up the formatting so much.
Well done on your script.

I think you forgot to include the last line where it presumably executes a service reboot command.

May I also suggest that you post your script inside a CODE block instead of QUOTE block as it makes it more readable and doesn't mess up the formatting so much.

Thanks - I updated to a CODE block and added reboot
and it works! once the router rebooted it reconnected to my ISP modem and WiFi/Internet was up again

here is the log details

bg604@GT-AX11000:/tmp/home/root# cat /jffs/ping_reboot.log

Ping to failed (attempt 1) at Tue Jan  7 18:50:13 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 2) at Tue Jan  7 18:50:46 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 3) at Tue Jan  7 18:51:19 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 1) at Tue Jan  7 18:51:52 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 2) at Tue Jan  7 18:52:25 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 3) at Tue Jan  7 18:52:58 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 1) at Tue Jan  7 18:53:31 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 2) at Tue Jan  7 18:54:04 PST 2025
Ping to failed (attempt 3) at Tue Jan  7 18:54:37 PST 2025
All pings failed. Rebooting router at Tue Jan  7 18:54:57 PST 2025
Rebooting router due to failed ping attempts...
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You dear sir, are a gentleperson and a scholar. Thank you so much for this script, it's going to help me create a few cron jobs which I've been wanting to create for a while.

Thanks again :)


Is there a way to post the echos to the main ASUS GUI system log as well? Or would that happen anyway?

Step 6: Copy and paste the script
The first line of your script should be:

A more appropriate command to reboot in Asuswrt would be:
service reboot

Step 9: Create the Cron Job to Run the Script Automatically

1. Open the cron jobs with:
crontab -e
2. Add the following line:
*/5 * * * * /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh #PingReboot#
Editing the crontab directly in Asuswrt means that change would be lost after a reboot. To make a persistent crontab entry in Asuswrt-Merlin place a cru command in /jffs/scripts/services-start as follows:

cru a PingReboot "*/5 * * * * /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh"
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Okay thanks... I've made those changes. I was wondering why it would disappear in crontab -e after a reboot. Thanks!

The first line of your script should be:

A more appropriate command to reboot in Asuswrt would be:
service reboot

Editing the crontab directly in Asuswrt means that change would be lost after a reboot. To make a persistent crontab entry in Asuswrt-Merlin place a cru command in /jffs/scripts/services-start as follows:

cru a PingReboot "*/5 * * * * /jffs/scripts/ping_reboot.sh"

Is there a way to post the echos to the main ASUS GUI system log as well? Or would that happen anyway?


I've updated the script write to the system log in the Asus GUI using logger
Jan 8 09:55:00 bg604: Starting the ping test at Wed Jan 8 09:55:00 PST 2025
Jan 8 09:55:00 bg604: Pinging target:
Jan 8 09:55:00 bg604: Attempt 1 to ping
Jan 8 09:55:03 bg604: Ping to succeeded.
I've updated the script write to the system log in the Asus GUI using logger
Tip: if you use loggerwith -t you could specify the tag, I.e using $0 to have it using your script filename.

Example from my Wireguard Watchdog script:
logger -t $(basename $0) "Interface $IF not found or not enabled - exiting"

Resulting syslog:
Jan  8 20:57:31 wgc-watchdog: Interface wgc3 not found or not enabled - exiting
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Tip: if you use loggerwith -t you could specify the tag, I.e using $0 to have it using your script filename.

Example from my Wireguard Watchdog script:
logger -t $(basename $0) "Interface $IF not found or not enabled - exiting"

Resulting syslog:
Jan  8 20:57:31 wgc-watchdog: Interface wgc3 not found or not enabled - exiting

okay good...

i've setup a TAG variable with logger

Jan 8 12:05:00 bg604: Starting the ping test at Wed Jan 8 12:05:00 PST 2025
Jan 8 12:05:00 bg604: Pinging target:
Jan 8 12:05:00 bg604: Attempt 1 to ping
Jan 8 12:05:03 bg604: Ping to succeeded.

Jan 8 12:10:39 ping_reboot.sh: Starting the ping test at Wed Jan 8 12:10:39 PST 2025
Jan 8 12:10:39 ping_reboot.sh: Pinging target:
Jan 8 12:10:39 ping_reboot.sh: Attempt 1 to ping
Jan 8 12:10:42 ping_reboot.sh: Ping to succeeded.
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Another user bitten by the scripting bug... careful you'll go from 50 line simple scripts to 1000+ lines in no time ;)

wicens internet check
Another user bitten by the scripting bug... careful you'll go from 50 line simple scripts to 1000+ lines in no time ;)

wicens internet check
@Maverickcdn, funny, I was thinking of your Addon when I saw this post, but I wasn’t sure if it could also force a reboot when the WAN IP changed or whether it just sends a notification. I know it sends a notification when the router reboots in an unscheduled way e.g. power goes off, which is what I used it for.
@Maverickcdn, funny, I was thinking of your Addon when I saw this post, but I wasn’t sure if it could also force a reboot when the WAN IP changed or whether it just sends a notification. I know it sends a notification when the router reboots in an unscheduled way e.g. power goes off, which is what I used it for.
The OP script is based around if the Internet connection is down and rebooting the router, mine is only a WAN IP monitor and my entire script relies on the Internet connection being up.

To your point though mine could force a reboot if the IP changed (custom WAN IP change script / option 5)
To your point though mine could force a reboot if the IP changed (custom WAN IP change script / option 5)
Yeah I guess I was sort of suggesting that in an oblique way, given you already have the base script so it’d be a little addition to it that would improve it yet again :-)!

Feel kinda bad for the OP suggesting this though, as they’ve already done a great job with their script; it’s just that yours is already installed and setup so it’s just a modification…

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