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Implementing Gambling Site Block?

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Hi I'm new so I apologise if I'm posting in the wrong place.

I have a gambling addiction, using the software on my PC I can easily get around it, hell I could probablies easily get around the website filters using a VPN, but I'm trying to make it as difficult as possible for myself whilst I'm in a clear frame of mind.

Does anyone have a list of domains I can block? I have something installed that allows me to add a firewall / block domains - I can't for the life of me remember it's name, it was something that was recommended on here, Diversion I think?

I honestly just want to make it so incredibly difficult for myself to gamble that it's just not worth the hassle. I've gamstopped etc etc.

I hope someone can help and offer more advice than 'just dont gamble, its not hard'

which is the usual response I get from family / friends.


You can use the Parental Control that is standard in the firmware or you can use an adblocker like Diversion or Adguard. With the adblockers you can use a blocklist like Hagezi's blocklists.

Nr.16 in this list should be something for you.

To install Diversion or Adguard you can follow this guide.

Btw, Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384.15, amtm is included in the firmware.

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I hope someone can help and offer more advice than 'just dont gamble, its not hard'

There is a way to restrict your devices on your home Wi-Fi, but no easy way to restrict your devices with access to mobile operator data or other Wi-Fi - friend's house, coffee shop, department store, etc. No matter what you do some level of self-control is needed. Whatever restrictions you set there you know what they are and how to disable or go around. You need to talk to someone who can give you right advice how to overcome this addiction. This is the best way you can help yourself.
Diversion requires you to be using an Asus router running my custom firmware, so that might not be an option for you.

I would try using one of the various DNS services that offer plans that block sites unsuitable to children, as these would also block access to gambling sites.

A quick search also showed these servers that can specifically target gambling sites:

Configure the DNS servers on the WAN settings of your router, to be used instead of the DNS servers provided by your ISP.

which is the usual response I get from family / friends.

Look for resources in your area that can help you with that. They may be able to help you get through it as just blocking access to these sites might eventually lead you to simply actively bypass these measures. They may provide you with more help in dealing with your addiction.

Best of luck. At least you are recognizing the issue, which is probably the first good step in taking care of this issue.
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There is a way to restrict your devices on your home Wi-Fi, but no easy way to restrict your devices with access to mobile operator data or other Wi-Fi - friend's house, coffee shop, department store, etc. No matter what you do some level of self-control is needed. Whatever restrictions you set there you know what they are and how to disable or go around. You need to talk to someone who can give you right advice how to overcome this addiction. This is the best way you can help yourself.
https://nextdns.io/ is recommended for external dns blocking, imo.
https://nextdns.io/ is recommended for external dns blocking, imo.

There are many filtering DNS services doing similar things. The problem - if you set it up, you know how to go around. One possible solution is the built-in Parental Controls in Asuswrt and a family member changes the access to GUI password after. Doesn't restrict mobile data access though. There is always go around restrictions option.
There are many filtering DNS services doing similar things. The problem - if you set it up, you know how to go around. One possible solution is the built-in Parental Controls in Asuswrt and a family member changes the access to GUI password after. Doesn't restrict mobile data access though. There is always go around restrictions option.
Well, can't you do the same with a cellphone? Setup a normal user account that can't change DNS settings and for cellphone some preset DNS are setup?
Well, can't you do the same with a cellphone?

Yes, possible. Mobile devices have parental controls too. The same issue though - if you can set it up you can remove it as well. Someone else has to set it up for limited permissions account. I don't have Android/iOS experience with this, not using any of the options, but I know it's there:

Well, can't you do the same with a cellphone? Setup a normal user account that can't change DNS settings and for cellphone some preset DNS are setup?

Some of the cellular providers also offer Access/Parental Controls to help sort out the mobile when not on the LAN. While mostly intended to "protect" kids, they can be effective for other customers as well - I see these often for company provided phones to reduce HR exposure for adult content, gambling, social media, etc...

I have a gambling addiction, using the software on my PC I can easily get around it, hell I could probablies easily get around the website filters using a VPN, but I'm trying to make it as difficult as possible for myself whilst I'm in a clear frame of mind.

The first step to getting better is recognition of the problem - you're well on your way to getting better...

Have you reached out to your doctor? There's been some recent research into GPL-1 agonists that has shown good results...

There's no magic pill that immediately fixes everything, but with support from your physician, family, and friends, you'll find the way into recovery. Remember, don't give up for life as that can be really scary, just quit for today, and tomorrow will be better and you'll be on the path.
it is all depend what router you want to use to block it
Synology routers have the best parental control and allow to block gambling pages to
OPNsense allow you to instal Zenarmor that can block such pages too.
Yes, possible. Mobile devices have parental controls too. The same issue though - if you can set it up you can remove it as well. Someone else has to set it up for limited permissions account. I don't have Android/iOS experience with this, not using any of the options, but I know it's there:

Yes, someone else has to hold the keys to the Kingdom.
Some of the cellular providers also offer Access/Parental Controls to help sort out the mobile when not on the LAN. While mostly intended to "protect" kids, they can be effective for other customers as well - I see these often for company provided phones to reduce HR exposure for adult content, gambling, social media, etc...

Very good idea!
The first step to getting better is recognition of the problem - you're well on your way to getting better...

Have you reached out to your doctor? There's been some recent research into GPL-1 agonists that has shown good results...

Also want to note - this is not a moral failure, serious here...

It's a known disorder, the dopamine rush is something that all acknowledge - that's why @johndoe85 - I suggested reaching out to your primary care doctor - good luck with your recovery... focus on what is important, and that is you getting healthy.

These technology tools are limits and bars, but they are low and easy to work around...
Also want to note - this is not a moral failure, serious here...

It's a known disorder, the dopamine rush is something that all acknowledge - that's why @johndoe85 - I suggested reaching out to your primary care doctor - good luck with your recovery... focus on what is important, and that is you getting healthy.

These technology tools are limits and bars, but they are low and easy to work around...
Yes ofc, i am aware. I think a whole detox from TV and internet is a valid option too in addition with going to the doctor.

I have tried to break some habits too, not gambling though, but internet usage in general (sleeping disorders), and the only way is to not having access to technical devices.

Especially when it comes to sleeping disorders i would say that you have to go so far that you are disconnected from all kinds of electricity. Due to light pollution (it's a real thing).
I was away from electrical usage for a month and it took me two weeks to break the sleeping problems. With no electricity you can't even turn on the light for a split second to take a piss after the sun has gone down. And this had a profound effect on my sleep.

And for me this was a epiphany moment, how much this artificially light actually affects us.
Sadly we cannot live a comfortable life without electricity so my sleeping disorders are back. 😁
Due to light pollution (it's a real thing).

It is a real thing, but perhaps not exactly related to your case.

I have interests in astronomy and travel North (away from the city light pollution) when I want to see something.
It is a real thing, but perhaps not exactly related to your case.

I have interests in astronomy and travel North (away from the city light pollution) when I want to see something.
Light pollution is not just applied to scenarios where you want to see the stars. It's also about your sleep.
It's also not just about light that comes from streetlamps and such, it's about all light.

Artificial light can wreak havoc on natural body rhythms in both humans and animals. Nocturnal light interrupts sleep and confuses the circadian rhythm—the internal, twenty-four-hour clock that guides day and night activities and affects physiological processes in nearly all living organisms. One of these processes is the production of the hormone melatonin, which is released when it is dark and is inhibited when there is light present. An increased amount of light at night lowers melatonin production, which results in sleep deprivation, fatigue, headaches, stress, anxiety, and other health problems.
Iknow that they are using outdoor light in this sentence, but they are wrong. Its about all light.
However, like carbon dioxide emissions and plastic, too much of a good thing has started to negatively impact the environment. Light pollution, the excessive or inappropriate use of outdoor artificial light, is affecting human health, wildlife behavior, and our ability to observe stars and other celestial objects.
It can be a real challenge to stay focused with all those temptations just a click away. One approach could be to use software or apps specifically designed for blocking certain sites. Panen123 can be effective in helping you stay on track. Another idea is to set up some ground rules for yourself. Maybe you could designate certain times or days when it's okay to visit those sites, so it's more like a controlled indulgence rather than a complete ban. It's all about finding a balance that works for you and helps you stay in control.
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