Val D.
Very Senior Member
Provider: NordVPN
ISP Speed: 250/20Mbps (246/19Mbps real)
OpenVPN TCP Speed: ~80/18Mbps
OpenVPN UDP Speed: ~220/18Mbps
Everything is configured properly and runs as expected except one thing:
220Mbps UDP connection king of chokes up with multiple open connections (torrents, for example). Once connections reach 700+ all downloads slow down to 1MB/sec total, YouTube doesn't want to play 1080p videos anymore, Web pages open with visible delay, etc. 80Mbps TCP connection on the other hand has no issues even with 2000+ connections and everything runs smooth as butter with download speeds reaching >8MB/sec with YouTube playing 1080p video in background. What is going on here?
What I have tried already:
- playing with sndbuf and rcvbuf values in OpenVPN
- attempt to change the cipher settings (server always reverts to AES-256-GCM)
- Inbound Firewall Allow/Block in OpenVPN
- changing the VPN server to a different one
- playing with QoS settings, enable/disable
- playing with DNS servers, DNS-over-TLS enable/disable
- router firewall enable/disable (for testing purposes only)
- wired/wireless connection to router (all AC clients 433-866Mbps)
- running VPN software on a PC (Intel i5 4-core CPU)
None of the above makes any difference.
The only suspicious thing is System Log when using UDP is the following:
But not too many records, every now and then. No errors whatsoever on TCP connection.
Knowing how TCP and UDP works, not surprised.
ISP Router: Hitron CGN3 in Bridge Mode (Puma 6, unfortunately)
Hardware: ASUS RT-AC86U with active cooling (CPU at 55C under max load)
Firmware: Asuswrt-Merlin 384.13
Custom scripts: None
AiProtection: Disabled
AiMesh: No
Clients: Windows 10 PCs, Android Phones/Tablets, iOS Phones/iPads, Xbox One, VoIP ATA
I know I'm tired and I'm missing something, but some fresh ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Please, no Reset/Erase/Nuke/Smash the router suggestions, this won't help. Thank You!
@RMerlin, @Xentrk, @skeal, @ColinTaylor, @thiggins, @sfx2000 , @Grisu
ISP Speed: 250/20Mbps (246/19Mbps real)
OpenVPN TCP Speed: ~80/18Mbps
OpenVPN UDP Speed: ~220/18Mbps
Everything is configured properly and runs as expected except one thing:
220Mbps UDP connection king of chokes up with multiple open connections (torrents, for example). Once connections reach 700+ all downloads slow down to 1MB/sec total, YouTube doesn't want to play 1080p videos anymore, Web pages open with visible delay, etc. 80Mbps TCP connection on the other hand has no issues even with 2000+ connections and everything runs smooth as butter with download speeds reaching >8MB/sec with YouTube playing 1080p video in background. What is going on here?
What I have tried already:
- playing with sndbuf and rcvbuf values in OpenVPN
- attempt to change the cipher settings (server always reverts to AES-256-GCM)
- Inbound Firewall Allow/Block in OpenVPN
- changing the VPN server to a different one
- playing with QoS settings, enable/disable
- playing with DNS servers, DNS-over-TLS enable/disable
- router firewall enable/disable (for testing purposes only)
- wired/wireless connection to router (all AC clients 433-866Mbps)
- running VPN software on a PC (Intel i5 4-core CPU)
None of the above makes any difference.
The only suspicious thing is System Log when using UDP is the following:
Aug 14 20:18:28 ovpn-client1[32655]: AEAD Decrypt error: bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ #304436 ] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings
Knowing how TCP and UDP works, not surprised.
ISP Router: Hitron CGN3 in Bridge Mode (Puma 6, unfortunately)
Hardware: ASUS RT-AC86U with active cooling (CPU at 55C under max load)
Firmware: Asuswrt-Merlin 384.13
Custom scripts: None
AiProtection: Disabled
AiMesh: No
Clients: Windows 10 PCs, Android Phones/Tablets, iOS Phones/iPads, Xbox One, VoIP ATA
I know I'm tired and I'm missing something, but some fresh ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Please, no Reset/Erase/Nuke/Smash the router suggestions, this won't help. Thank You!

@RMerlin, @Xentrk, @skeal, @ColinTaylor, @thiggins, @sfx2000 , @Grisu
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