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[alpha] Asuswrt-RMerlin 380.68 pre-release

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Asuswrt-Merlin dev
Pre-release builds for Asuswrt-Merlin 380.68 are now available in the Test Build folder. These are early work-in-progress, so there are things that are still unfinished or might not be working properly just yet.

The focus of this release is doing some internal code maintenance, merging back some of the webui enhancements of GPL 382, and improving various areas of the webui like the recent webui SSL configuration section and the Sysinfo page (which will now automatically update itself every 3 seconds).

No technical support is provided for these builds. Be sure to read the Changelog for important information before flashing these test builds.
First visual problem I found:

@ the VPN status page my laptop and smartphone are shown as connected with the corresponding vpn account, @ the vpn-server page the accounts are shown as not connected.
So far no issues found! ;)
BTW the browser cookies needs to be cleared as the webui menu code have changed.
AC66U - after upgrade I see the following modules missing:
Aug  3 11:50:44 syslog: module ledtrig-usbdev not found in modules.dep
Aug  3 11:50:44 syslog: module leds-usb not found in modules.dep
Aug  3 11:50:50 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Aug  3 11:50:50 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through

Is that expected?
AC66U - after upgrade I see the following modules missing:
Aug  3 11:50:44 syslog: module ledtrig-usbdev not found in modules.dep
Aug  3 11:50:44 syslog: module leds-usb not found in modules.dep
Aug  3 11:50:50 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Aug  3 11:50:50 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through

Is that expected?

Yes, it's been like this for years. Those modules only exist on other platforms, but for some reason Asus never removed them.
Thank you @RMerlin for the great work you do. The only issue I noticed is the VPN Client did not start up even if the option to Start with WAN is set to yes. I rebooted twice since flashing and this happened both times.

I like the description line you added to the OpenVPN Client screen. Nice feature to have, especially if more than one client is being used.
Thank you @RMerlin for the great work you do. The only issue I noticed is the VPN Client did not start up even if the option to Start with WAN is set to yes. I rebooted twice since flashing and this happened both times.

I like the description line you added to the OpenVPN Client screen. Nice feature to have, especially if more than one client is being used.
It is working for me. Have you checked the log?
I'm using alpha 2 without any issues
functionally or graphically that is :D
It is working for me. Have you checked the log?
I see a line about the tunnel down, write UDP: Network is unreachable (code=101) and ERROR: Linux route delete command failed: external program exited with error status: 2.

I need to do another reboot to see if the errors are still there once the network is quiet. I also made some changes to the client configs as I was working on selective routing for certain traffic. The issues still persisted after these changes. I can try going back to 380.67 to assist in debugging. Not sure if this change is causing the issues:

- FIXED: OpenVPN instances could potentially start too early at
boot time (before clock was set)

Glad you reported it is working for you though.
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On Network Map page under "Ethernet Ports" Port 2 seems 100 mbps but under Tools menu it is 10 mbps. Correct one should be 10 mbps.

On Network Map page under "Ethernet Ports" Port 2 seems 100 mbps but under Tools menu it is 10 mbps. Correct one should be 10 mbps.

View attachment 10015 View attachment 10016

Asus's switch query code used by the new table on the Network Map does not support 10 MBps, for some reason. It's a low-level function, so if I change it, I run the risk of potentially breaking other parts of the code relying on it if they aren't designed to expect anything but "G" or "M".
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I see a line about the tunnel down, write UDP: Network is unreachable (code=101) and ERROR: Linux route delete command failed: external program exited with error status: 2.

I need to do another reboot to see if the errors are still there once the network is quiet. I also made some changes to the client configs as I was working on selective routing for certain traffic. The issues still persisted after these changes. I can try going back to 380.67 to assist in debugging. Not sure if this change is causing the issues:

- FIXED: OpenVPN instances could potentially start too early at
boot time (before clock was set)

Glad you reported it is working for you though.

Check your clock. If ntp_ready is never set, then the clients will fail to start.
Is this expected problem ?

[Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
send @ jquery.js:5
ajax @ jquery.js:5
get_ethernet_ports @ router_status.asp:338
initial @ router_status.asp:136
onload @ router_status.asp:388


  • 11.png
    149.6 KB · Views: 697
@RMerlin: I did a fresh install of Alpha2, runs like a charm so far. One thing: have there been any changes implemented in the WebUI between 67 and 68 alpha 2? Besides the fact that suddenly Dutch is available as language as well (surprised to see that). Reason I'm asking is that, for some reason, I can't get the NTPDaemon graph page (Github install guide by @kvic) to show up at the Tools page, the third tab, next to Other Settings. I tried to manually find out what has changed in the UI, as only state.js seems to be edited to show the additional tab, but the I can't even find the strings that are changed with sed. I know it's kvic's project, but haven't seen him around in a while, so I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction?

I also try the 'refresh-www' script some forum member wrote (can't find the post, so I can't give proper credits, sorry), to restore the custom mount point for /var/opt/www and the added stats page after an update, but that stops with several errors, so my best guess is there have been some (?) changes behind the curtains...
One thing: have there been any changes implemented in the WebUI between 67 and 68 alpha 2?

Have you checked the Changelog, or the first post in this thread by any chance? Webui changes are the biggest changes in this alpha build...

Dutch was added by Asus in GPL 7627, so it was there in 380.67 as well.
Any third party add-on that relied on webui hacks will most likely need to be redesigned with 380.68 (@kvic and others). The good news is, it will now be trivial to add new tabs to the webui - just one single line to add to /www/require/modules/menuTree.js will allow you to insert new tabs. So one could do something like this, for example:

rsync -a --del /www/ /mnt/usbdisk/my_www
cp my_own_page.asp /mnt/usbdisk/my_www/

Then either copy a modified menuTree.js to it (make sure you have both bwdpi and non-bwdpi versions tho!), or dynamically modify it to insert your new tab - I recommend using the Tools menu for this.

Adding new entries on the left side will still be more difficult, as you'd still need to modify the CSS to insert new menus.

Adding the whole Tools menu only required me adding this in the middle of the existing menu array (and adding the appropriate CSS to display the left side menu and icon):

                menuName: "Tools",
                index: "menu_Tools",
                tab: [
                    {url: "Tools_Sysinfo.asp", tabName: "Sysinfo"},
                    {url: "Tools_OtherSettings.asp", tabName: "Other Settings"},
                    {url: "NULL", tabName: "__INHERIT__"}
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Have you checked the Changelog, or the first post in this thread by any chance? Webui changes are the biggest changes in this alpha build...

Dutch was added by Asus in GPL 7627, so it was there in 380.67 as well.
Thanks for the kind reply, I appreciate it. I did read the first post, but couldn't find this alpha in the Changelog on the website, most likely because I followed the link from @Adamm release post of Skynet V5.1, only to (just) realize that there's Changelog.txt in the test builds folder... Shame on me, feeling like a moron right now. :oops: Well, now I' ve read it, and thanks for clarifying what needs to be done. I'll have to see if it isn't way over my head, I can still go to the stats page from my bookmarks.

As for Dutch, I wasn't aware it was already in 380.67. Did a fresh install too then, but UI was in English when QiS showed up. Now with 380.68 it's in Dutch all of a sudden. Pleasant surprise probably for most Dutchies, I switched back to English immediately ;-)

Thanks again :)
Noticing a few times i log in to the UI either it freezes or wierd things show up like the memory usage graph sits pegged out and the UI is unresponsive. I can close it and try again and its ok again. Using latest Chrome. Never had this with your other builds. I am sure i cant be alone on this. Thanks for your work..
Noticing a few times i log in to the UI either it freezes or wierd things show up like the memory usage graph sits pegged out and the UI is unresponsive. I can close it and try again and its ok again. Using latest Chrome. Never had this with your other builds. I am sure i cant be alone on this. Thanks for your work..

Are you using HTTPS? Google Chrome (and possibly other browsers too, I didn't test) doesn't like something about Asuswrt's webui when running over https. No idea what it is, the issue is random (and seems to mostly occur on first access - once cached, pages load fine), and everything works fine under http.
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