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Samba Resharing Function

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A shot in the dark:

I have an older NAS that supports only SMB v1. Modern devices (iPads, Mac OS) seem to not support it and only support SMB v2.

Is there a function where the router connects to a NAS via SMB v1 and exposes it to the network as a SMB V2?
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A shot in the dark:

I have an older NAS that supports only SMB v1. Modern devices (iPads, Mac OS) seem to not support it and only support SMB v2.

Is there a function where the router connects to a NAS via SMB v1 and exposes it to the network as a SMB V2?
This may be a long shot:
Some MacOS versions unofficially supported SMB1 by using cifs://User@NAS_IP/Shared_Dir if from Finder you enter that directly in Go > Connect to Server. Using smb:// etc defaults to SMB2+.

Otherwise there may be ways to get your NAS to support SMB2+. What NAS is it and what version of its OS is running?
If you can ssh into it, you should be able to see the Samba version:
#: smbd -V
and check the build options:
#: smbd -b
look for vfs_catia, vfs_fruit, vfs_streams_xattr and various aio_ "includes" or modules
In theory this is doable. As you have no signature, I am assuming you are using Merlin and have SSH access to your router.

You will first need to create a directory on the router for where you are going to mount your NAS share. An example would be mkdir /mnt/NAS.

Then mount your NAS share to the directory you just created. Change the address, username, and password to meet your requirements.

mount -t cifs \\\\\\share /mnt/NAS -o "vers=1.0,username=${USERNAME},password=${PASSWORD}"

You can then CD into the /mnt/NAS directory and make sure you have access. If everything is OK, you can then add the mount command to the services-start script or the fstab.add script so the directory is mounted on router start up. I would use the services-start script as I am not sure how an error in fstab would affect the router start up. Don't forget to add the mkdir -p /mnt/NAS command to the services-start file as well as that directory will not survive a reboot.

Then, create the file /jffs/configs/smb.conf.add and add something like this; where user1 and user2 are the users that you created under the samba GUI settings

comment = test directory
path = /mnt/NAS
dos filetimes = yes
fake directory create times = yes
valid users = admin, user1, user2
invalid users =
read list = admin, user1, user2
write list = admin, user1,user2

restart the samba service: service restart_samba and see if your NAS files are available on the Router share "test"

I tested this on my system. I was surprised that I did not run into permission issues, but I was able to create new files on the NAS ok and they simply inherited ownership from the NAS.

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