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    SNBForums is a community for everyone, no matter what their level of experience.

    Please be tolerant and patient of others, especially newcomers. We are all here to share and learn!

    The rules are simple: Be patient, be nice, be helpful or be gone!

  1. consorts

    RT-AC3100 stable on v386.2_6 what do I miss by NOT updating

    Hi Gang, long time no post ;) I setup this router years ago, and kept updating till I noticed this version was so rock solid I could go a year without having to reboot my router or have any gui grief accessing it. I don't notice any ddos attacking or malware client detections on any of our 20...
  2. consorts

    file transfer across my LAN locking up the router

    ac3100, 384.16_beta2 , no usb based apps at all (ignore my signature list). something odd happened, and i'm wondering if anyone has advice or a solution on this. i have an old wd mycloud nas which transfers files at about a 35mbps rate, which is fine because i mostly use it for hdhomerun dvr...
  3. consorts

    Customize Request: QoS - WAN/LAN Bandwidth Monitor

    has anyone done an app/script to force those speedometer graphics to 0-100Mbps scale instead of 0-1,000Mbps scale. my isp can now do well over 100Mbps, but i'd much rather see that speedometer at 0-100 and simply max out while "redlining" above 100Mbps. actually i'd love if the entire list...
  4. consorts

    which QoS is least CPU intensive?

    i was using lan qos on my ac3100 while on 100Mbps isp without issue. now that my isp gave me 300Mbps, i'm finding the CPU on my ac3100 runs at 100% when i try any of the QoS schemes in my asus router. when all types of QoS in the router are completely disabled i get my full 300Mbps speed while...
  5. consorts

    any way to force a client to use a specific ssid ?

    i have multiple 2.4 and 5.0 ssid's each with their own name and password. my clients know the passwords for most of them i won't change the passwords nor make the clients "forget" the other ssid's. how can i force each client (i know the mac so i can assign a specific lan ip) to use a...
  6. consorts

    plz - where is the script to change my wan mac ?

    sorry to bother you all, but "wan mac" won't search and "change" brings up half the forum, so i was hoping someone who had already changed the wan mac on their router, could link me in the direction of what script is used to accomplish this, where to edit it, how to auto run on start it, etc...
  7. consorts

    can i program one router while the other is working?

    i got a good deal on a ac2900 so i'm gonna retire my ac3100 cause i need faster openvpn my question is; while my ac3100 is routing wifi for 5 family members dozen devices can i still setup the wifi in the ac2900 software while keeping the wifi button set off or will turning off the wifi...
  8. consorts

    how do you figure out what and where you may need to whitelist?

    over the weekend a friend lent me directv creds which allows roaming clients to view on demand (not live). at&t streams work best on google chrome, needs flash, but it depends on a stream drm manager running; it kept getting stuck...
  9. consorts

    my AC3100 wifi settings - any room for improvement?

    i'm really happy that i migrated from the linksys dd-wrt world over here to the asus merlin'sphere ;) while i will miss using yamon, at least here i have no new bs/kong instability nightmares any more. so now that everything just works, i was wondering if i still had room for improvement. here...
  10. consorts

    why can't i disable my firewall or set a port forward?

    ac3100 merlin 384.7_2 plus apps: diversion skynet stubby using 3x2.ssid lan.qos 24.clients what is preventing me from disabling my firewall and/or saving any new port forwards? must i not use one of these apps or merlin altogether? how do i disable the conflicting app so i can port forward...
  11. consorts

    "Reducing USB 3.0 interference" missing from AC3100 menu

    I happen to notice the setting is missing from the wireless, professional, 2.4ghz page while the ac3100 has a 3.0 port on the front panel documentation says this option is supposed to be between Enable WMM APSD ??? Optimize AMPDU aggregation i remember when i setup my usb3 i set it's mode...
  12. consorts

    what should my basic & advanced dns settings be?

    i'm using merlin diversion skynet on ac3100; don't wanna mess it up :oops: i noticed these settings and wondered if i should modify them at all. my concerns are keeping dns encrypted and private from my isp, and not risk falling for dns spoofing. (not saved, just dotted "Yes" to display them...
  13. consorts

    which ext# format to use on /opt usb drive?

    yamon3 wants ext4 diversion wants ext2 compromise with ext3 ? make 2 separate partitions ? so what's a boy to do :confused:
  14. consorts

    ac3100 merlin on fios - only 1 upload channel

    NVM - Issue Resolved Itself i'm in the process of setting up my ac3100 (hw rev a1) with the latest beta. no matter what test i use, various qos options enabled or qos disabled i'm only seeing 1 upload channel instead of the usual 6-8 up channels. download is fine, though the buffer bloat on...
  15. consorts

    AC3100 (HW Ver:A1) which asus stock fw and merlin should i use?

    can someone experienced recommend the most recent stable asus firmware with the most stable merlin web gui enhancements. i'm using this ac3100 as the main gateway...
  16. consorts

    ac3200 - which antennas pairs are 1:2.4 1:5.0 2:5.0

    i'd like to leave one of the two 5.0ghz radios disabled and leave their antennas off but i don't know what radios go to which of the 2x3 antennas - can anyone help?
  17. consorts

    Motorola AC2600 = Netgear R7800 ?

    "motorola" name was licenced to zoom these specs and even stock firmware sounds like a netgear r7800 would. the user manual pdf is not very detailed. it seems to be marketed as both mr2600 and/or ac2600 which only makes finding information on it more...
  18. consorts

    potential dd-wrt convert buying ac88u|ac3100

    past experience; bs dd-wrt on a linksys wrt1200acv2 since 2017 yamon (monitor) running off a fast write flash. near future plan; replacing that router with asus rt ac88u|ac3100 avoid stock firmware to enhance features and privacy need to fill; enjoy as much of the features i used on dd-wrt...