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AC-66 rebooting itself every 6-8 days

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I have an AC66 runing 378.55 that's rebooted the following date/times this month (according to external syslog):
1/6/2016 at 4:31AM
1/12/2016 at 4:17AM
1/18/2016 at 2:09PM
1/26/2016 at 5:15PM

I know if you look at anything long enough you'll start to see patterns that aren't there - but every 6 days for the first 3 times makes me wonder. Is there anything known in 378.55 that make it worth upgrading to try and fix this problem or would I just be bringing more pain on myself for no gain?
No problem here. Been running 378.55 on my AC66U since it came out and it never rebooted itself. Very stable

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How long were you running 378.55 before this pattern of behaviour started? I know syslogs can be difficult to interpret at times, bit is there any clue in the log leading up to a reboot?

Have you changed anything recently eg any settings? I don't suppose you have a spare power supply you could swap over, do you?

It'd be worth checking the cpu temperature in the web gui,
just to rule it out, but the RT-AC68U happily runs at 80C, so a high indicated temperature may not necessarily tell you anything.

There comes a point when, after a bit of initial troubleshooting, the quickest way to resolve an issue may well be to restore to factory default settings.(RFDS) and then reinstate your settings. So if you are already considering updating, it may well be worth trying an update before the more time-consuming, but often effective, RFDS.

Before updating it would be wise to search through the 380.57 thread to see if your model works well on the new firmware. If in doubt, you could update to 378.56_2.

Then, if you still had the problem, you could always try the RFDS and restore your settings manually or with John's nvram save/restore facility.

But I think you may have a little way to go yet on the initial troubleshooting, especially if you get other suggestions coming in.

By the way, have you tried searching the forum for similar symptoms? I had a quick look and found nothing.
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I also had periodic reboot about every 6 to 8 hours. I noticed this after installed Johns fork and cranked up the 5 Ghz transmit power to 180 mW.
I had some problems with CTF NAT and after a few changes in config I managed to enable it and that is when the restarts started to happen.
Yesterday I disable CTF NAT and now I have an up-time of 21 hours.
On official 9313 and on Merlin 56_2 I didn't have this problem but I couldn't use channel 13 on 2.4 Ghz also (this could be related also).
Because of the reboots I had to disable minidlna scan on every reboot.
Happy to report a 20+ days uptime on AC66 with everything but ipv6 enabled compared to unstable setup. Still using Johns fork.
I disabled all settings that affect CTF. I don't need QOS, per IP traffic would have been nice but I can live without it.
Traffic history is now saved twice a day to a ext3 formated sd card versus an ext3 partition on a external hdd with 2 minutes spindown timeout. I suspect this was the cause of instability but I didn't rule out ipv6 yet.
Other than that I connected a Mustek ups and set up nut with blazer_usb driver. It was relatively easy.
OpenVPN server is solid but with speeds limited by cpu.
I will give ipv6 another chance but I'm not in a hurry.

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