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AC-66U on 380.62_1 rebooting last couple days

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Regular Contributor
I have an AC-66U that I updated to the latest 380.62_1 and have the Ad-Block 2.01 installed on USB. Overall it is a good firmware and have had no real complaints, but I noticed something odd the past couple days that my router was rebooting itself overnight. The only way I really knew in the morning was that my OOMA phone service was off-line and needed restarted since it isn't smart enough to re-connect itself for some reason. I checked the interface and yesterday morning it had an uptime of 12 hours. So must have went down around 10pm. Today I checked and it had an uptime of 2.5 hours which puts it around 8AM. The only thing I have been doing different is for the past 3 days I have had a constant stream of uploads from my Synology to my Amazon Cloud Drive for backups. About 80GB so far uploaded, but it seems to only be running around 1MB/sec and I have a 50/5 cable connection. Luckly the synology recovers from this and keeps on going.

Could it be the constant upload that is happening, or is there something else I can look for that would cause it to reboot like this?

I am sorry to revive an older thread, but this still occurs, not as frequent, but does.
I just caught it and logged in right after and saw this repeating a couple times:
Argh. No free space left for GC. nr_erasing_blocks is 0. nr_free_blocks is 0. (e rasableempty: yes, erasingempty: yes, erasependingempty: yes)
jffs2_reserve_space_gc of 54 bytes for garbage_collect_dirent failed: -28

I checked my filesystem and noticed that the root had 0 bytes free.
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 22.2M 22.2M 0 100% /
tmpfs 117.0M 1.0M 115.9M 1% /tmp
devfs 117.0M 0 117.0M 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock5 32.0M 1.1M 30.9M 4% /jffs
/dev/sda1 118.1M 118.1M 0 100% /tmp/mnt/sda1

I wasn't sure if it was root or sda1, as I had ad-block logging. I cleared out the logging and formatted the jffs partition again. That increased the space on my SDA1, so I will see how that goes, but root is still 0.
/dev/sda1 118.1M 34.4M 77.7M 31% /tmp/mnt/sda1

Should I be concerned about this?
Root is always 0 available/100% used.....that's the firmware and is read-only

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