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AC86u refusing to use vpn DNS server!

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Regular Contributor
I seem to have constant trouble with is thing not respecting the things I try to do with DNS. I have 1 openvpn client connected with 3 ip's routing through it (policy rules strict) and everything else staying outside the vpn. The vpn dns config is set to exclusive. I have added and removed the 3 devices, rebooted the router, rebooted the win10 pc I am testing this with and no matter what I do now, dns tests only show my isp's dns servers.

wan setup has dns automatic, forward local no, rebind yes, dnssec no, dns privacy none.

It was working earlier today, I tried out DoT and also had trouble with that but eventually got it to work by setting the dns config in openvpn to disabled. But having turned DoT off now, I have not managed to get it using the vpn providers dns at all ever since! It will occasionally show my isp dns AND the vpn providers dns, but most of the time just the isp ones. It always shows the vpn ip so it is definitely correctly connected. I am using 384.14_beta2 (didn't bother upgrading to the final one). dnsfilter is off.
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