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AP to replace Ruckus ZP7372

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Hi - I have Netgate SG-3100 router, HPE-1920-24G primary switch, and HP-1820-8G switch in family room. My internet is Spectrum 200/20 and I am looking to replace my Ruckus ZP7372. I've been considering Ubiquiti AC PRO, but have been reading good reviews on TP EAP225. I haven't been able to find any reliable reviews to distinguish whether one is better, or something else altogether would be better.

On my home setup, the IT closet is at a far corner of the home and the 1820 is located in the center of the home on the first floor. The Ruckus has been dropping connections, which is driving the decision to look at newer options. Thanks!
It's my first pfSense appliance and it's been nice. I don't run much on it currently, but have heard other users using several packages without problems. I'm not a networking expert, so getting this full setup working has involved a lot of research! I think if I started over, I might have gone with a higher horsepower unit, or built one - in case I want to push everything through VPN.
It's my first pfSense appliance and it's been nice. I don't run much on it currently, but have heard other users using several packages without problems. I'm not a networking expert, so getting this full setup working has involved a lot of research! I think if I started over, I might have gone with a higher horsepower unit, or built one - in case I want to push everything through VPN.

It's a good device - based on SolidRun's ClearFog platform - so the hardware is solid - ClearFog, in many ways is truly open version of the Linksys WRT family, and it's good there... With the ARM based pfSense boxes - it's the switched interface on the LAN side, that's the main difference from the x86/amd64 units....

I'm running an SG-2440, which is a couple of years old now, but similar in performance to the SG-3100 in some ways...

With pfSense 2.4.4 - check out the group chat on fq_codel - works well with Intel, should be same with the Armada...

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