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Ax86U with intel AX200 clients issue

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Hello people . I have the following setup :

AX86U flashed with 386.1 Merlin firmware , set up from scratch .
2 Intel AX200 Wifi6 clients connecting to 5Ghz band 160mhz .
Both clients are on the latest Intel driver version .

Following issue appeared already a couple of times , where clients lose their wifi connection and can not connect to the AX86U anymore for some time after it happens . (not on 5Ghz band and not on 2.4Ghz band) , it sees the SSID's but trying to join them results in an error saying that it can not connect . Minutes after , the connection is possible again .
The clients -as far as i checked- do not necessarily get this error at the same time .

A few screenshots .

Errors from the client system log

intel ax200 error1.jpg
intel ax200 error2.jpg

Settings in the router :

ax86u wifi settings 1.jpg


ax86u wifi settings 2.jpg

ax86u wifi settings 3.jpg

What I have done so far on the client side on 1 pc is :
UN-tick "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" , in the device manager wifi card properties .
In power options for PCI-Express - Link state power management : set from moderate to OFF .

Still monitoring if the change does anything .

The error occurs between 2 times a day to once every 2 days usually .

Any advise on how to tackle the issue would be much appreciated .
I have same router and same adapter on my Alienware Laptop, and i bought another AX200 for another laptop, but bought it over Amazon, for like 25$. And it happens to be a "false" AX200 (clone) and i was having similar issues, but no issues on my real Intel AX200 in my Alienware laptop. I think there is nothing wrong with your AX86U router, but more with your AX200's.

I would suggest you legitimately check that you have genuine AX200, as there are tons of clones of AX200 and some of them poorly made. I have no problem since i replaced the AX200 clone with a real AX200 from Intel (retail Packaging) and i trashed the cloned one and learned a lesson about cheap offers on Amazon.

Hope it helps.
Could try uninstalling, reboot, and re-installing the WLAN adapter in Device Manager.

@Rassal thanks for chiming in and sharing your experience .
One of the clients is a very expensive , few months old HP elitebook though , should have a legit AX200 in it I would guess :)
The other one is a Pcie card which is plugged into the motherboard (this one comes from amazon) .
Same error pops up on both . So that's why I suspect something on the router .

Driver is same on both , downloaded from official intel site .
Try this:
Check your DNS configuration.

You can also try resetting your PC's networking stack. From an elevated command prompt:

netsh int ip reset
Check the router wireless log for DFS radar detects and/or set 5 GHz channel bandwidth to 20/40/80 MHz.
@John Fitzgerald do you mean I should reset the network stack with that command ? Will do the next time the connection drops and the error shows up in the eventviewer on the client .

@thiggins Checking the asus logs I see no "DFS radar detect" If that's what it's called . (searched for DFS with CTRL+f but nothing popped up)
I do see a lot of these , hundreds of them :

Feb 11 08:36:33 kernel: CONSOLE: 560152.949 wl1: wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete: tx phy error (0x9200)

And this is also coming in the asus logs regarding the elitebook with AX200 wifi :

Feb 11 08:36:37 kernel: CONSOLE: 560156.598 wl1: wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete: tx phy error (0x9200)
Feb 11 08:36:37 kernel: CONSOLE: 560156.598 wl1.0: wlc_send_bar: for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 seq 0x70b tid 3
Feb 11 08:36:37 kernel: CONSOLE: 560156.826 wl1: wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete: tx phy error (0x9200)
Feb 11 08:36:37 kernel: CONSOLE: 560156.826 wl1.0: wlc_send_bar: for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 seq 0xa85 tid 0
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.209 wl1: wlc_ampdu_dotxstatus_aqm_complete: tx phy error (0x9200)
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.209 wl1.0: wlc_send_bar: for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 seq 0xa86 tid 0
Feb 11 08:36:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(469): eth7: Deauth_ind 14:F6:D8:3F:C7:E4, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
Feb 11 08:36:38 hostapd: eth7: STA 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 IEEE 802.11: disassociated
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 0
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 1
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 2
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 3
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 4
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 5
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 6
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1.0: wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4 AID 9 tid 7
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.485 wl1: random key value: 8D8B445
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.486 wl1: wlc_txbf_delete_link_serve failed for 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.489 iov:SCB_DEAUTH
Feb 11 08:36:38 kernel: CONSOLE: 560157.489 iov:SCB_DEAUTH
Feb 11 08:36:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(505): eth7: Auth 14:F6:D8:3F:C7:E4, status: Successful (0)
Feb 11 08:36:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(515): eth7: ReAssoc 14:F6:D8:3F:C7:E4, status: Successful (0)
The router is definitely unhappy with 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4, which I think is one of your AX200s and is getting an error when it tries to transmit. So it is deauthing it.

Did you try falling back to 20/40/80 MHz bandwidth?
@John Fitzgerald do you mean I should reset the network stack with that command ? Will do the next time the connection drops and the error shows up in the eventviewer on the client .

Yes. You don't need to wait for a crash (unless you're waiting to generate logs). You will get prompted to reboot, which you have to do manually. You may need to re-enter your SSID and password.
I have exactly the same configuration AX86U + two laptops with AX200 and no problem.
The router is definitely unhappy with 14:f6:d8:3f:c7:e4, which I think is one of your AX200s and is getting an error when it tries to transmit. So it is deauthing it.

Did you try falling back to 20/40/80 MHz bandwidth?
I see wlc_ampdu_flush_scb_tid flushing 0 packets for every single WIFI6 client I own which is 2 laptops, 2 smartphones and a tablet on my AX86U. However it does not appear to cause any problems. I guess that happens when I turn off the wifi on them.
Hello people . I have the following setup :

AX86U flashed with 386.1 Merlin firmware , set up from scratch .

I might have to recall what I said that I don't have problem. Do you have problem only with AX200s? and other clients can connect? I experienced today something similar but it disconnected all clients not just laptops and when I connected ethernet cable the router's DHCP was also not responsive. After rebooting router everything came back to normal.
@J.I I had that once where I had to reboot the router cause it became unresponsive . But I have too little occurences of anything to be able to draw a conclusion really .

Mostly when it happens I can not connect to the 5GHZ or 2.4GHZ bands anymore from the device that has had the crash event in the windows eventviewer (ssids are visible but while trying to join it tries then sais cant connect , but after waiting some minutes joining the ssid is possible again) .

Will try and see if other clients are still able to connect to the SSID's when I notice a crash on one of the AX200 clients (I have 1 desktop 1 laptop) .

To answer others :
- "netsh int ip reset" I will do when I get another crash . Currently testing to see if my changes have done anything . Changing too much at once makes it impossible to troubleshoot .
- I have not tried 20/40/80 MHz simply because I bought this whole setup for 160Mhz . So trying to troubleshoot that first . If nothing else makes the errors go away , I might try 20/40/80 MHz .
@J.I I had that once where I had to reboot the router cause it became unresponsive . But I have too little occurences of anything to be able to draw a conclusion really .

Mostly when it happens I can not connect to the 5GHZ or 2.4GHZ bands anymore from the device that has had the crash event in the windows eventviewer (ssids are visible but while trying to join it tries then sais cant connect , but after waiting some minutes joining the ssid is possible again) .

Will try and see if other clients are still able to connect to the SSID's when I notice a crash on one of the AX200 clients (I have 1 desktop 1 laptop) .

To answer others :
- "netsh int ip reset" I will do when I get another crash . Currently testing to see if my changes have done anything . Changing too much at once makes it impossible to troubleshoot .
- I have not tried 20/40/80 MHz simply because I bought this whole setup for 160Mhz . So trying to troubleshoot that first . If nothing else makes the errors go away , I might try 20/40/80 MHz .

When you are ready:
Today I had the crash again and the event viewer logs showed up .

So reverting the changes I did before .

And now I will do the netsch reset , and also update the router to latest merlin .
The taken actions haven't helped . Today on 1 of the clients already 2 errors

Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz : Has determined that the network adapter is not functioning properly.
Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz : Has encountered an internal error and has failed.
The taken actions haven't helped . Today on 1 of the clients already 2 errors

Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz : Has determined that the network adapter is not functioning properly.
Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz : Has encountered an internal error and has failed.

What version of Windows are you using? I don't know if this may be part of your solution but you may need a newer windows version???

See page 6 info by thiggins:

@John Fitzgerald I probably do :) But until windows 11 comes out I have nothing to upgrade to .

Both pc's are on the latest OS : Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.804 feature pack 120.2212.551.0 .
@John Fitzgerald I probably do :) But until windows 11 comes out I have nothing to upgrade to .

Both pc's are on the latest OS : Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.804 feature pack 120.2212.551.0 .

Guessing that current drivers are not going to work with 160MHz, so try sticking them on 80MHz channel 48.

160MHz seems to be the bane of many, like it's still immature.
That would be unfortunate . I will keep trying to get this 160mhz and ax200 intel cards to become stable .
Its just that .. not sure if the issue is on the router or on the clients right now .

I just disabled mumimo and beamforming on the router . just to try .

Other suggestions are always welcome :)
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