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AX88u Merlin 384.18 interface bug

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Occasional Visitor

i just upgraded to Merlin 384.18 (dirty mode) and i have an interface bug as seen below.
i see only the back of it and have no scrolling
I tried Edge, Chrome and Firefox, i cleaned the cash, i rebooted the rooter...

Is it a know bug with an easy fix or is there any command line to go back to the previous firmware you could learn me ?
i would be happy to avoid the full reset...
thanks :)

Sans titre.png

what language do you use by default? there is a bug with french. You have to put English. The next firmware corrects this problem.

édit : je vois que tu utilises en français. Change la langue en allant sur une autre page que celle de l’accueil ( ex. :
thanks, it was just as simple as that, i was about to upgrade to beta firmware, but i prefer this :)

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