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Blocking Amule

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Occasional Visitor
Would anyone have any idea how to block amule? As the firmware seems to do nothing about stopped it uploading constantly then we must be able to block the ports that it uses somehow?
No answer was not found to be honest as the fix to stop the service from loading each time caused a loop and therefore couldn't be stopped.

Since the other thread died, I was asking about different routes of blocking amule in this thread, for example, what ports can i block that will stop amule from working

Thanks for pointing me to my other thread though
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I would recommend sending a PM to CL-Jeremy here on this forum, requesting for the addition of an option to enable/disable aMule in a future Download Master update. I can't do it myself because Download Master isn't part of the firmware, and there are no source code available for it either.

That option would save a lot of troubles - I've seen a couple of users who got bit by it, and probably a lot that don't even realize they are currently sharing their whole download directory over the Emule network.

Personally I think that Download Master needs a major overhaul. The Transmission client it uses is old and lacks support for some modern features like magnets. The openssl library it uses is also old, and potentially has quite a few documented security issues. Part of it has to do with the fact that Asus relies on the old Optware repo from Oleg, which hasn't been maintained in a long time, and uses obsolete versions of various libraries.

So ideally, Download Master should:

1) Either switch to Entware, or stop relying on Oleg's Optware repo and provide every required libraries
2) Update to the latest Transmission version
3) Update to openssl 1.0.1 (and make sure that these ASM optimizations are included, as the SHA1 optimization will greatly help with hashing performance)
4) Add an option to enable/disable aMule (and have it disabled by default)
Thanks for the info Merlin, I really appreciate your time on this.

I will get in contact with CL-Jeremy to see if this is something they will consider for future DM updates. Though I'm not sure how possible this is if transmission is closed source? Maybe there are other ways around it.

I didn't realise the transmission daemon was closed source to be honest, I guess it is all or nothing for a lot of the features. I will post any updates or decisions from the firmware guys.

Transmission is open-sourced. It's just that the bundle Asus puts together as Download Master doesn't come in source form, so someone can't just do a quick fix to the Download Master package and repackage it. They would have to build their own package from scratch basically, and we can't tell what kind of patches Asus might have applied to Transmission/aMule to interface with.

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