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Bought 2 routers, Merlin firmware & Bridge questions

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So I decided to go and buy 2 of these routers one to use as a Router and connect the other as a Bridge.

First of all let me say that I decided on Merlin firmware for the router and Merlin firmware for the Bridge. Doing a LanSpeedTest Lite is giving me about 280Mb/s send and 240Mb/s recieve going to my media center pc which is connected to the bridge.

I don't care about any wireless devices, phones, tablets, using the 5Ghz band. I only care about going 5Ghz from the router to the bridge at the fastest possible speed. My media center and direct tv reciever is connect to the bridge.

1. Bridge. I'm coming from a DDWRT linksys bridge. It was only a bridge. It seems like the asus is acting like an access point and a bridge. I was thinking if I leave both the router and bridge on 2.4Ghz using the SAME SSID and passcode thinking it would give me better coverage. But when I have the router set to do MAC filtering to ALLOW, when placing my phone next to the bridge it takes forever to acquire dhcp. That doesn't seem to work going through the bridge. Not really sure the point of having the bridge act as an AP as well if you need to have a different SSID assigned to it. Not really sure on this one. Should the bridge be acting as an AP as well but only using a different SSID than the router?

2. What is up with the low speeds I'm getting? I've tried everything on the router side on the 5Ghz setting. Currently I have the router set to Auto, 80, and channel 48. Even if I use N only, 80, channel 48, I see no difference. There is nothing on the bridge side that I can specify, only that it is connected to the 5Ghz and the SSID. Yes I am using 2 completely SSIDs for 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.

3. The latest merlin firmware on the router doesn't even refresh the client list. If it does, the host names are all wrong, duplicated, etc.

So I'm looking at why this routers are advertised at 1300 or 1750 when I'm only seeing less than 300?
What is best for SSIDs for router and bridge? Use the same or different?

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