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Bugs in WireGuard config UI

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I set up WireGuard VPN server on the router but encountered a few issues that I thought @RMerlin might care about:
  • I changed the VPN subnet to a /24 in the range, as it's visually distinct from those I typically connect to in and However, when adding a client peer, the suggested settings for addresses use values from the default range, which are both incorrect and hidden in that expando. It would be great if the values were derived from the main subnet setting.
  • When adding a client peer, I saw no option to enter my own public key. I assume this means peers' private keys are always stored on the router, which somewhat defeats the purpose of public key cryptography. I understand the convenience, but ideally it would generate peer keys only if not provided, and remain editable after that anyway.
  • Under the server's Advanced Settings, the text of the server's public key is unselectable. The private key is, too, but that's usually not needed. On desktop it can at least be copied using a browser's dev tools, on mobile it's basically impossible.
I didn't think these would be specific to my device (AX56U).

Thanks for all your good work. It's breathed a bit more life into my aging hardware, and it was great not having to reconfigure everything when switching to your firmware.
The WireGuard implementation comes from Asus. Due to the size of this project and being the sole developer, I have to prioritize things. VPN-wise my focus is solely on OpenVPN, so any implementation change in WireGuard would have to come from Asus or a contributed patch. The fact that client keys can only be auto-generated by the router is a known limitation of their implementation, but I simply lack the time to look at possibly improving on this - it's been on my list of things to look into for over two years now...

I can take a look at why the webui doesn't let copy/paste the key. Copy/paste is currently blocked through the entire panel, I will need to check if it's possible to change that or if it's inherent to Asus' design of that panel.
  • When adding a client peer, I saw no option to enter my own public key. I assume this means peers' private keys are always stored on the router, which somewhat defeats the purpose of public key cryptography. I understand the convenience, but ideally it would generate peer keys only if not provided, and remain editable after that anyway.
  • Under the server's Advanced Settings, the text of the server's public key is unselectable. The private key is, too, but that's usually not needed. On desktop it can at least be copied using a browser's dev tools, on mobile it's basically impossible.
Even though the GUI has some limitations, it's still possible to change the keys via SSH: https://www.snbforums.com/threads/wireguard-server-tweaks.85758/post-852124

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