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Watch some YouTube videos so it can find the necessary data in your dnsmasq.log.

Thanks for the reply.

I've actually been watching many, so I'm not sure what the problem could be. I'll watch some more though.
Follow the Diversion log by term googlevideo while watching a video.

I found the problem but I can't remember how to enable logging

 Error  logging is disabled, enable it first.
Type l (letter ell) at the main menu.

Interesting. Logging was actually enabled, and I've now re-enabled it after following your instruction.
But it appears that nothing is being logged, and there is activity happening across the network.


Reset the logs in d 7.

What I ended up doing was re-installing Diversion as resetting the logs didn't work. Diversion is now up and running once again, logging is working, and the YouTube ad blocker is working too.

Thanks for your help. :)
Interesting. Logging was actually enabled, and I've now re-enabled it after following your instruction.
The YouTube video ad-blocking experimental feature does not start or cannot be enabled when logging is disabled. So looks like your devices found another way to access and retrieve data from the internet before you started from scratch. Another reason to have logging and stats enabled to see if devices actually go through Dnsmasq/Diversion.
The YouTube video ad-blocking experimental feature does not start or cannot be enabled when logging is disabled. So looks like your devices found another way to access and retrieve data from the internet before you started from scratch. Another reason to have logging and stats enabled to see if devices actually go through Dnsmasq/Diversion.

I actually have no idea why logging wasn't working, it was in fact enabled but I kept receiving a message that it wasn't after I attempted to enable the Youtube ad blocker.

I tried to enter the live log but but nothing was being logged.

It was definitely enabled.


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Pi-hole or Diversion? I have a raspberry pi 4 sitting here- just wondering if anyone has tired pi hole
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Pi-hole or Diversion? I have a raspberry pi 4 sitting here- just wondering if anyone has tired pi hole

I have two Pi's, and an RT-Ax88u ... running Diversion on my router is the best option for me, Pi-Hole has probably changed since I last used it but I can do everything with Diversion that I can with Pi-Hole.
I'm just setting up Diversion and Skynet, and I had a few questions:
1. for adding a custom list, do I add the Hosts RAW link or Hosts TXT link?
(I've read the diversion faq page and I see this:
"Diversion only works with hosts files with an "IP domain" pair or as a domains only list"
So just a little confused...
My second question was with Skynet & Diversion installed, is it best do disable AiProtection? I understand it can be enabled, whats the best setup?
And my last question is about ipv6, do most users have it enabled or disabled? I know it's personal preference, just wondering if most have it enabled.
Thank you in advance...
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Diversion is working great! Just set up YouTube ad blocking and will see how that goes. Next I will set up Skynet and see if the AX88U can handle both these running.

Is it possible to access the DNSMASQ.log without having to PuTTY into Diversion? I like to have the log running on a portrait monitor, while I use my machine.
Diversion is working great! Just set up YouTube ad blocking and will see how that goes. Next I will set up Skynet and see if the AX88U can handle both these running.

Is it possible to access the DNSMASQ.log without having to PuTTY into Diversion? I like to have the log running on a portrait monitor, while I use my machine.
One thing you could try if you have uiDivStats installed is to watch the log at the bottom of the uiDivStats page in the router webui. One thing I’ve been meaning to try is to compare that with following the dnsmasq log in Putty to see what the differences are. I think following the dnsmasq log in Diversion is pretty well instantaneous wheres there is a small lag in uiDivStats, but the latter I find easier on the eyes.

EDIT: I have now tried following the dnsmasq log in Diversion on one device, and, on a second device, watching the uiDivStats Query Log display on the uiDivStats page under LAN on the router’s webui (and using a third device to generate queries).

Following the dnsmasq log gives you a more comprehensive picture, and instantaneously, whereas uiDivStats gives you, from what I can see, the basic info up to a minute or so behind (as the data for the previous minute is collected and pushed through in one go). Certainly, it’s worth looking at the uiDivStats display to see if that’ll give you the info you need.
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I have two Pi's, and an RT-Ax88u ... running Diversion on my router is the best option for me, Pi-Hole has probably changed since I last used it but I can do everything with Diversion that I can with Pi-Hole.

Me too. I have Two RPi aptly named Hole 1 and Hole 2. Both sat under my monitor, but disabled and feeling unloved.

Diversion is all you need. It integrates so well with Skynet. A great overall package.

Guess I will have to re-purpose them!
Diversion is all you need. It integrates so well with Skynet. A great overall package.

Can you tell me how useful Skynet is to you? I'm running Diversion and compared to Pi-hole I messed with weeks ago, its amazing. But just wanted to know how useful manually blocking IP's would be?
Can you tell me how useful Skynet is to you? I'm running Diversion and compared to Pi-hole I messed with weeks ago, its amazing. But just wanted to know how useful manually blocking IP's would be?

Do you like thousands of bots port scanning you every day? I don't :p

I can also speak from personal experience its saved some not too tech savvy family members from downloading malware and getting phished on more then one occasion. For the almost non-existent overhead on a modern device its quite a no brainier in my eyes.
To be frank, I just set-and-forget. Looking at the logs, blocks an awful lot of crap. It hasn't really caused me any grief. In the beginning I did have to whitelist a few site, but I haven't needed to add any in an age.

It works so transparently you forget it's working. It's blocked 1200 quiries in about three days. Goodness knows what would have happened if they weren't caught, perhaps nothing, but it could also be something. I guess you never know what you have never had.
Do you like thousands of bots port scanning you every day? I don't :p

I can also speak from personal experience its saved some not too tech savvy family members from downloading malware and getting phished on more then one occasion. For the almost non-existent overhead on a modern device its quite a no brainier in my eyes.


Once I install it, will I have to whitelist IPs for the gamers in the household?

It works so transparently you forget it's working. It's blocked 1200 inbound hits in about three days. Goodness knows what would have happened if one of those stopped hits got though, perhaps nothing, but it could also be something. I guess you never know what you have never had.

Yep, I will install. Just have to make sure it won't effect gamers and others that use the network.
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