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DNS leaks and odd Policy Rules behavior

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Part of the Furniture
Just wondering if anyone can explain the following. But first, my setup (because it may be part of the problem).

Primary Router:
WAN IP: <public ip>

VPN Router (WAN port connected to primary LAN port, Merlin 384.11_0):

Nothing fancy. Just two daisy-chained routers, the second of which is acting as VPN router, w/ Accept DNS Configuration set to Exclusive. But I'm also interested in split tunneling on that VPN router. And that's where the trouble starts. DNS resolution stops working when Policy Rules is enabled and I have only the following rule defined.

RouteGoogle VPN

So I decided to investigate the problem in a methodical manner. Remember, at all times, Accept DNS Configuration is set to Exclusive. And I'm using a shell (ssh) to monitor DNS traffic via connection tracking using the following command.

watch -n5 "cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack | grep -E 'dport=53\s|sport=53\s' | sort -k4"

All this does is dump all connections related to DNS queries every 5 secs.

Scenario #1: Redirect internet traffic = All

Connection tracking output.
udp      17 5 src= dst= sport=10064 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=10064 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 11 src= dst= sport=17905 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=17905 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 8 src= dst= sport=18551 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=18551 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 6 src= dst= sport=41117 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=41117 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 22 src= dst= sport=57761 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=57761 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 12 src= dst= sport=51772 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=51772 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 9 src= dst= sport=53141 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=53141 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 5 src= dst= sport=53398 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=53398 mark=0 use=2

You can see the client ( sending the DNS query to the router (, and the router in response sending a DNS query to the VPN provider's DNS server (, with an anticipated reply back to OpenVPN client's IP ( on the tunnel. So far, so good. Exactly as expected.

Scenario #2: Redirect internet traffic = No

Connection tracking output.
udp      17 25 src= dst= sport=12051 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=12051 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 26 src= dst= sport=17016 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=17016 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 29 src= dst= sport=18681 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=18681 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 14 src= dst= sport=33012 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=33012 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 29 src= dst= sport=42556 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=42556 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 29 src= dst= sport=54552 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=54552 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 16 src= dst= sport=55645 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=55645 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 26 src= dst= sport=60801 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=60801 mark=0 use=2

The OpenVPN client assigned IP has changed (from to, but otherwise, same results as scenario #1. Things still looking good.

Scenario #3: Redirect internet traffic = Policy Strict (no defined rules)

Connection tracking output.
udp      17 6 src= dst= sport=40255 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=40255 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 21 src= dst= sport=46942 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=46942 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 24 src= dst= sport=50645 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=50645 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 18 src= dst= sport=53931 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=53931 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 23 src= dst= sport=56272 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=56272 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 22 src= dst= sport=23764 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=23764 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 18 src= dst= sport=26948 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=26948 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 24 src= dst= sport=51161 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=51161 mark=0 use=2

The first sign of trouble. FWIW, the OpenVPN assigned IP happens to remain Notice all the public DNS queries are now going out the WAN to my primary router ( I realize that enabling policy routing takes the router itself off the VPN, but it was my assumption that even without any rules defined in Policy Rules, DNS should still be routed over the VPN, not the WAN. FWIW, I checked the contents of /tmp/etc/openvpn/dns/client1.resolv, and it continues to have the VPN's DNS server.


So I now have a DNS leak.

Finally (and this was my ultimate goal) ...

Scenario #4: Redirect internet traffic = Policy Strict (w/ rules)

RouteGoogle VPN

Connection tracking output.
udp      17 4 src= dst= sport=51249 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=51249 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 19 src= dst= sport=60562 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=60562 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 19 src= dst= sport=50055 dport=53 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=50055 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 21 src= dst= sport=53070 dport=53 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=53070 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 28 src= dst= sport=54993 dport=53 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=54993 mark=0 use=2
udp      17 4 src= dst= sport=61822 dport=53 src= dst= sport=53 dport=61822 mark=0 use=2

Now DNS doesn't work at all! And if you examine connection tracking, you can see why. Unlike all the prior dumps, where the client first made a DNS query to the router, than another connection was made by the router to the VPN's DNS server over the VPN's network interface, this time every DNS query sent to the router by the client results in ONE connection. And the anticipated reply shows that connection tracking is expecting the reply from the VPN ( over the WAN (! That makes no sense. It can't possibly work. That violates reverse-path filtering, which requires all traffic to use the same network interface for incoming and outgoing packets on the same connection. That's why connection tracking is reporting UNREPLIED. FWIW, I dumped reverse-path filtering, and got the following.


So what I see are two problems.

1. Given any of the scenarios above, why should any DNS server ever be accessed over the WAN?

2. Given the presence of that policy rule, why does the router (apparently) attempt to access the DNS server over the VPN but expect the reply over the WAN?

Now to be honest, I've seen all kinds of weird behavior w/ various implementations of PBR on third-party firmware, even when writing my own PBR scripts. I know configuring PBR can be tricky. You can run into all kinds strangeness once you start adding routing tables, ip rules, etc. But this seems like a pretty simple policy rule, and it should work. It's not obvious to me that I've made a configuration error. I'm thinking *maybe* the fact the VPN router isn't the primary router is perhaps causing this problem, but that's just a guess. It's just not practical at the moment to take this VPN router and make it my primary router.

I'm also wondering if perhaps switching to TCP (I'm using UDP at the moment) might make a difference. I know on the server side, the use of UDP can be a problem if the server is bound only to a single network interface. And when that happens, you need to add the multihome directive to the OpenVPN server config. But there is no such directive for the client. And I don't have TCP as an option w/ my current VPN provider. Regardless, it doesn't work properly w/ UDP.

While I'm very familiar w/ PBR on other third party firmware (most of which sucks btw), I'm far less experienced w/ PBR on Merlin, so perhaps I'm missing something obvious.

Any ideas?
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Due to DNS leak complaints, there are some settings in the OpenVPN client screen that have an impact on dnsmasq.

dnsmasq is bypassed when using the combination of Accept DNS Configuration = Exclusive + Policy Rules. Diversion ad blocker can't block ads as a result.

dnsmasq does work when using the combination of Accept DNS Configuration = Exclusive + All Traffic and Diversion ad blocker will work.

I recommend that Policy Rule users set Accept DNS Configuration = Disabled and implement DoT on the WAN page.
Just wondering if anyone can explain the following. But first, my setup (because it may be part of the problem).

Primary Router:
WAN IP: <public ip>

VPN Router (WAN port connected to primary LAN port, Merlin 384.11_0):

Nothing fancy. Just two daisy-chained routers, the second of which is acting as VPN router, w/ Accept DNS Configuration set to Exclusive. But I'm also interested in split tunneling on that VPN router. And that's where the trouble starts. DNS resolution stops working when Policy Rules is enabled and I have only the following rule defined.
RouteGoogle VPN
Despite this clearly being @RMerlin firmware related, why not post in the Asuswrt-Merlin forum? :rolleyes:

The behaviour you are observing (rightly or wrongly) is again (by his own admission) "as designed", although when queried


The VPN Client "Accept DNS Configuration=EXCLUSIVE" is implemented by the relevant iptables chain, which strangely isn't physically created until it is needed, i.e. only when there is at least one valid target VPN interface entry in the Selective Routing GUI table.

Consequently I have always recommended, that a dummy VPN destination entry is manually added to ensure the DNS routing chain always exists and assists users to understand how/why the expected "EXCLUSIVE" VPN DNS may be broken/bypassed in favour of the WAN DNS.
e.g. VPN Client 5
DummyVPN1   VPN
and this allows scripts such as WiFI Guest VPN mapping or VLAN Switch Port mapping to exploit the VPN DNS servers dynamically.

How to check the "EXCLUSIVE" VPN DNS redirect chains:
iptables --line -t nat -nvL DNSVPN1  2>/dev/null;iptables --line -t nat -nvL DNSVPN2 2>/dev/null;iptables --line -t nat -nvL DNSVPN3  2>/dev/null;iptables --l
ine -t nat -nvL DNSVPN4 2>/dev/null;iptables --line -t nat -nvL DNSVPN5 2>/dev/null;iptables --line -t nat -nvL DNSPPP5 2>/dev/null

It's not obvious to me that I've made a configuration error
That's indeed unfortunate, but alas you have - although it is very subtle, and Wiki entry Policy Based Routing is wrong:eek::eek:
While I'm very familiar w/ PBR on other third party firmware (most of which sucks btw), I'm far less experienced w/ PBR on Merlin, so perhaps I'm missing something obvious.
Not obvious, but the GUI solution to your issue is pretty simple if not immediately intuitive at first glance.

see this superb blog Policy Based Routing which correctly describes how to fix the DNS resolution issue when using EXCLUSIVE mode.
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but it was my assumption that even without any rules defined in Policy Rules, DNS should still be routed over the VPN, not the WAN. FWIW, I checked the contents of /tmp/etc/openvpn/dns/client1.resolv, and it continues to have the VPN's DNS server.

The default policy in Policy Rule mode is "WAN". Therefore this is working as intended - if there are no rules, then nothing is configured to go through the tunnel, therefore nothing is configured to use that VPN's DNS. You don't just have a "DNS leak", you effectively send ALL your traffic through the WAN, and not through the VPN.

Given the presence of that policy rule, why does the router (apparently) attempt to access the DNS server over the VPN but expect the reply over the WAN?

Can't reproduce that problem here, for me with one single client configured with a policy rule, DNS traffic is working as intended with that client.

If you want to properly investigate what is going on you should rely on traffic capturing using tcpdump or something similar.

The VPN Client "Accept DNS Configuration=EXCLUSIVE" is implemented by the relevant iptables chain, which strangely isn't physically created until it is needed, i.e. only when there is at least one valid target VPN interface entry in the Selective Routing GUI table.

The reason for the current behaviour is that VPN servers may push DNS servers that only exist within their network. Therefore, the default behaviour should always be to use the non-VPN servers, otherwise your WAN routed clients would fail to connect to that VPN's DNS. Only routed clients should also use the VPN's DNS.

Enabling policy rules without setting any rule basically does nothing at all, as the default policy is WAN. The reason behind that design is to make it easier to add clients to the VPN tunnel, rather than the opposite. A typical user who only want to tunnel his Roku for instance without affecting the rest of his LAN only has to add one rule for the Roku.
2. Given the presence of that policy rule, why does the router (apparently) attempt to access the DNS server over the VPN but expect the reply over the WAN?
Can't reproduce that problem here, for me with one single client configured with a policy rule, DNS traffic is working as intended with that client.

We have had this discussion peviously, hence quoted your reply that it was too long ago for you to explain why this 'exception' logic exists..
        VPN_IP=$(echo $ENTRY | cut -d ">" -f 2)

        if [ "$VPN_IP" != "" ]
            TARGET_ROUTE=$(echo $ENTRY | cut -d ">" -f 4)
            if [ "$TARGET_ROUTE" = "VPN" ]
                echo /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A DNSVPN$instance -s $VPN_IP -j DNAT --to-destination $server >> $dnsscript
                /usr/bin/logger -t "openvpn-updown" "Forcing $VPN_IP to use DNS server $server"
                echo /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -I DNSVPN$instance -s $VPN_IP -j RETURN >> $dnsscript
                /usr/bin/logger -t "openvpn-updown" "Excluding $VPN_IP from forced DNS routing"

Now do you see why the OP's seemingly valid single line GUI entry "EXCLUSIVE" VPN DNS request is not being honoured?
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