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Duel Wan issues

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I have a duel wan setup comprising of a plus net fttc connection using the bt supplied vdsl modem and a virgin media connection using there hub3 in modem only mode both 50 meg connections.
This setup has worked well for the last few years using a draytek 2960 router.
This recently died so have replaced it with a ac5300 and this is where the issues have started.
I have tried both the latest Asus firmware and am now running the latest 61 merlin firmware both have the same issue.
If i set up the router in fail over mode the duel wan works fine but if I change to load balance I then get massive packet loss ranging from 10 to 75%. This happens on both wireless and wired connections.
If i unplug ether of the wan connections the packet loss stops so assume it is some sort of internal router routing issue. has anyone else had any similar issues? As i found nothing when searching for an answer.

Thanks in advance
load balancing never works well on consumer routers. You may want to try configuring using files and terminal instead like you would on a linux machine.

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