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Fast NAS 25 people constantly accesing

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5th day of search for the fast nas that will fit my need.

I only need nfs sharing (mapping hdd on clients computers)

Backupon ext hdd 2-3 tb of data.

Cannot find something that will be fast in Raid 5( i will mot use other raid this is the most reliable/fast)

need atleast 100MB/s write/read acces. got 1gbps network)

Current storage has 10MB/s - 30 MB/s. (company grew quite quick)

recently I got refund for wd dx 4000 weve got it 2 days and it freezed, and completely crashed. (so i tooko it back to the vendor)
Unfortunately I haven't really heard good things about the WD units in general. Just don't seem to be up to the same level as some of the other NAS vendors.

Was there a particular price range you had in mind? Based on you getting the WD unit it looks like maybe the $800 range. I typically build my own NAS/fileservers but most of the folks on the site speak highly of the QNAP and Synology units. For you I might say take a look at the Synology DS412+ or QNAP TS-469L. You would still need to get your own disks however.

Hope that helps.

thx for reply im not much limited financially need really something reliable. I heard about synology too. maybe ill risk it if its good then why not.

Are you sure it will handle 25 pcs constantly moving something into and from it ? ( lets say with 5x2tb ) Ive got really bad experience with that wd dont want to step on the hot coal again.

I have experience with the Synology DS1510+ at a company of 15 people. It managed our needs quite well.

A couple things to be aware of though:
- Concurrent access to a single file can cause problems if people actually open files directly from the NAS rather than copy them to their workspace first.
- Be sure to use hard drives that are on the supported list, every NAS vendor has one, otherwise if something does go wrong they may be limited in the support options.
You mentioned possibly five drives so in looking a bit further it looks like the Synology DS1512+ might be something to take a look at. One feature that looks interesting is the ability to expand the unit later with the Synology DX513 (adds another 5 drive bays).

On the point of having 25 users constantly transferring files to/from the unit. One of the big determining factors of performance in that type of scenario is the hard drives that are used. With so many users accessing files at the same time typically the hard drives end up doing a lot of random IO operations. Typically higher RPM drives and enterprise grade drives give better performance under those type of work loads versus lower RPM consumer drives. Basically the recommendation would be to not use any of the lower RPM "Green" drives but instead get something that is 7200 RPM or higher.

I second Synology recommendation based on my experience owning one. Just saying it runs and is happily ignored. I'll guess that QNAP or Thecus would do the same. From what I've read, and from past experience, I'd take a pass on Netgear, Seagate NAS, D-Link and others that spend more on advertising than product development.
Hi, so I come up with this solution.

Synology DS 1812+

8x 1TB WD Digital 7200 RPM Hdd's with 64MB Cache.

As someone said that 2 people cant acces 1 excell for example (Like in windows storage where they can) I will do the following.

I Have 1 spare server, I'll add the disk from the Synology as iSCSI and share the contents through that server. (1 dedicated cable especialy for iSCSI communaciation between NAS and Server)..

What do you think will it work ? I'm quite new SMall net builder :D
Huh? Small NASes are in widespread use in office settings. It's how you setup the user's permissions. Even in Windows shares, you wouldn't want two people writing to the same "excel" file simultaneously.

two-user exclusion on simultaneously writing the same is a Windows issue; the NAS doesn't interfere other than to enforce the windows-directed user controlled file read/write access modes. At least not that I've heard of. It's no different than a file on PC #1, with a windows share on that folder, and PC #2 tries to write that file while PC #1 has it open for read/write.
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Hi so update on situation here. Weve bought synology ds1812+. Now the problem starts Weve got 8x WDs 2TB. After installstion using synology disk assistant. It has started freezing,we cant acces through web interface. Sometimes when I acces it and start to open things like disk manager and etc. Its just buffering animation there and nothing happens. Event manager on the left says that all is good to go. Any help please ? It was quite a lot of money for that brick.
Ok sonow i know what i was doing wrong . iv hot 2 lans one to the switch one directly to server . It was doing some priblems so i disconnected one Lan cable. And its ok, but now one of the Hdd is dead.

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