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Firefox https connection

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Any error messages or symptoms in detail?

I don't run Merlin FW. But I can take a look at the script later today.
Yes, it seems that when ever I put the script in at the command line it just brings up the command line again. I don't get any options or anything.
Below is what I'm talking about.

bc64@RT-AC86U-B690:/tmp/home/root# sh -c "$(wget -qO - https://kazoo.ga/pixelserv-tls/config-webgui.sh)"

Thanks again for your help.
Yes, it seems that when ever I put the script in at the command line it just brings up the command line again. I don't get any options or anything.
Below is what I'm talking about.

bc64@RT-AC86U-B690:/tmp/home/root# sh -c "$(wget -qO - https://kazoo.ga/pixelserv-tls/config-webgui.sh)"

Thanks again for your help.

Fixed. Pls re-run the script :)

The issue was that Cloudflare has trouble connecting to kazoo.ga.
Hey @kvic, I've been having problems with your script. When ever I run the script it seems to configure all right, but when I try to load the ca file into my browser my browser keeps telling me it's not a secure connection. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Do you mean when loading


Also beware that in Merlin 384.8, the cert now needs to be placed in /jffs/.cert/ but the new version will migrate files from /jffs/ssl/ when httpd is started or restarted.
Do you mean when loading


Also beware that in Merlin 384.8, the cert now needs to be placed in /jffs/.cert/ but the new version will migrate files from /jffs/ssl/ when httpd is started or restarted.
Yes, that's what it was. The script isn't configured for 384.8. I downgraded to 384.7_2 and now it works. Thank you for the reply, Merry Christmas!
Yes, that's what it was. The script isn't configured for 384.8. I downgraded to 384.7_2 and now it works. Thank you for the reply, Merry Christmas!

Update the script to be compatible for FW >= 384.8. When you get the chance to try, pls let me know if it works..
Update the script to be compatible for FW >= 384.8. When you get the chance to try, pls let me know if it works..
  • Yeah, my ISP is down right now. So I’ll have to try later. Thank you for the reply and for everything you do! Merry Christmas!

Would it be possible to adapt the script for the RT-AX88U as well? Unfortunately it doesn't work on this device.


Would it be possible to adapt the script for the RT-AX88U as well? Unfortunately it doesn't work on this device.


Now AX88 is supported :)

Let me know if it actually works..no way for me to test..

Enjoy yourself.

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