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Fork 380.57 HGG-FINAL

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Anyone else think it's a little strange that the man himself has yet to make a comment in this thread ?
How says he hasn't? Or is there an invisible internet filter that prohibits anyone from hiding their true identity behind a screen name? :cool:
They, who wants to talk about legality, have a choice NOT to install it. Look at this thread, out 9 pages 95% of it is about legal things. You can write it once, make your statement, warn people and they let it be.

You are very confused about the issue.
We are not interested in the fact we have a choice not to install, we are interested that there is a gpl violation of code we respect.

We can write this firmware violates gpl numerous times in the hope hgg corrects the problem.

Ps you are right that the moderator should delete this thread.
I think moderator should delete your post. That is what I think. Take legality issues to another thread.
Build a better fw yourself, be legal and than talk about fw from others. In addition, don't twist my words. I didn't say "moderator should delete this thread"
I said: "If moderator wants to delete this thread because it does not fit within guidelines of this forum, then so be it."

just go away, you don't bring any value to this thread.

If you can't build fw just stop talking. People who can't do they like to teach.

You are very confused about the issue.
We are not interested in the fact we have a choice not to install, we are interested that there is a gpl violation of code we respect.

We can write this firmware violates gpl numerous times in the hope hgg corrects the problem.

Ps you are right that the moderator should delete this thread.
So has anyone developed a firewall blocking script for bad IP ranges / MS Telemetry with this fork, cos I can't get any of the example ones to work.
The same scripts that work on Rmerlins fork also work with this one.
The same scripts that work on Rmerlins fork also work with this one.

Attempting to run this script from the wiki on HGG's fork v380.57.1_HGG-FINAL:


# Loading ipset modules
lsmod | grep "ipt_set" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
for module in ip_set ip_set_nethash ip_set_iphash ipt_set
    insmod $module

# Preparing folder to cache downloaded files
[ -d "$IPSET_LISTS_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $IPSET_LISTS_DIR

# Different routers got different iptables syntax
case $(uname -m) in

# Block traffic from Tor nodes
if [ "$(ipset --swap TorNodes TorNodes 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
    ipset -N TorNodes iphash
    [ -e $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst ] || wget -q -O $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/ip_list_all.php/Tor_ip_list_ALL.csv
    for IP in $(cat $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst)
        ipset -A TorNodes $IP
[ -z "$(iptables-save | grep TorNodes)" ] && iptables -I INPUT -m set $MATCH_SET TorNodes src -j DROP

# Block incoming traffic from some countries. cn and pk is for China and Pakistan. See other countries code at http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/
if [ "$(ipset --swap BlockedCountries BlockedCountries 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
    ipset -N BlockedCountries nethash
    for country in pk cn
        [ -e $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst ] || wget -q -O $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone
        for IP in $(cat $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst)
            ipset -A BlockedCountries $IP
[ -z "$(iptables-save | grep BlockedCountries)" ] && iptables -I INPUT -m set $MATCH_SET BlockedCountries src -j DROP

# Block Microsoft telemetry spying servers
if [ "$(ipset --swap MicrosoftSpyServers MicrosoftSpyServers 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
    ipset -N MicrosoftSpyServers iphash
    for IP in \
        ipset -A MicrosoftSpyServers $IP
[ -z "$(iptables-save | grep MicrosoftSpyServers)" ] && iptables -I FORWARD -m set $MATCH_SET MicrosoftSpyServers dst -j DROP

Results in errors:

/jffs/scripts$ sh firewall-start
iptables v1.4.14: Set TorNodes doesn't exist.

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.4.14: Set BlockedCountries doesn't exist.

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
iptables v1.4.14: Set MicrosoftSpyServers doesn't exist.

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.

Whereas on Merlin 380.57 it runs normally.
If you can't build fw just stop talking. People who can't do they like to teach.

I would love to build and improve this firmware but due to lack of source I am unable to.

That is the problem, there is no source even though this firmware uses code that was released under gpl. The current situation is unfair to all develops that have helped develop this code.
Wow. That is a mature answer. Only if you would be capable.
Here is the hint. Like HGG, start with Merlin's source. Make it better than HGG.
Show that yours is better, then we will talk.

I dare you.
I would love to build and improve this firmware but due to lack of source I am unable to.

That is the problem, there is no source even though this firmware uses code that was released under gpl. The current situation is unfair to all develops that have helped develop this code.
Wow. That is a mature answer. Only if you would be capable.
Here is the hint. Like HGG, start with Merlin's source. Make it better than HGG.
Show that yours is better, then we will talk.

I dare you.

If you're continually demanding users of this forum to build their own forks, why don't you? Lead by example?

If you don't care for the topic at hand then ignore the discussion, instead of making pointless and unrealistic demands.

The legality and safety of this firmware fork is a reasonable discussion to have. Just because you may disagree does not give you the right to flame others who do want to discuss it.
If somebody is talking about how legal and "safe" this firmware is should be able to prove they can do better. I'm grateful that John, Merlin and HGG do this for us. We already established that HGG fw is not GPL complaint and I don't care. It does not have to be reiterated again and again and again.

ps This my replay on this matter, may than people like bits will go away with their post about legality and "safety".
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If somebody is talking about how legal and "safe" this firmware is should be able to prove they can do better.

I don't understand where the logic of demanding people to do better comes from? It is not a matter of doing better, it is a matter of security risks (as the firmware is 8MB larger than other forks, it raises significant valid questions as to what additions which remain a secret have been made to this fork) and of legality, as the code originally from ASUS was released under an open-source license that prohibits redistribution unless source is provided in some form with it. On top of that the effectiveness of the "enhancements" (which also are in violation of FCC regulations) is also questionable as increased transmit power causes increased noise levels causing throughput and latency issues, not to mention clients must also be able to transmit back to that router with the same power which is typically not a possibility. At any rate, regardless of how you feel about the firmware itself, hggomes is blatantly breaking the law, but by your logic, a jury could never find a man guilty of murder because the jurors themselves have never committed murder. I'm sure you'd agree that the logic makes no sense.

We already established that HGG fw is not GPL complaint and I don't care. I does not have to be reiterated again and again and again.

There is discussion on the matter, not reiteration. Again, if you dislike or do not care for the discussion, ignore it instead of flaming others.

ps This my replay on this matter, may than people like bits will go away with their post about legality and "safety".

Nobody needs or should have to go away, including you. If people want to discuss it, including myself, they will discuss it, plain and simple. Please do not impede conversations that you "do not like" anymore. It's very simple to skim past the posts and read only the ones you like.
Since when FCC rules the world?

If somebody is talking about how legal and "safe" this firmware is should be able to prove they can do better. I'm grateful that John, Merlin and HGG do this for us. We already established that HGG fw is not GPL complaint and I don't care. I does not have to be reiterated again and again and again.

ps This my replay on this matter, may than people like bits will go away with their post about legality and "safety".

Better, to don't get involved on this subject. I do it before but now I'm just reading in diagonal their posts then ignore. They are feeding themselves with our answers.

Valuable contributors, please ignore this small group and let's concentrate on subjects that are adding value and are heplping at the improvment of these fw (all of them).
The intervention of RMerlin was not enough when one of them already crossed the line a lot. Nothing will be enough for them. They are happy to stress and spam us.

My last post on this subject.
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Hello! Firmware 380.57 had an issue.
There is no way to enable 802.11d wlan regulation mode!
Without enabling this feature, my devices gets wrong country code, drops down mcs index and speed at same level of router's tx power and rssi on client's side.

5GHZ 802.11ac test.
12m from router, directional 9dbi antennas.
( 585mbps @ 378.55.4 - country code: #a ) 700mw
( 243mbps @ 380.57.1 - country code: disabled) 1000mw

I have a question... I created also for this one a new thread but no answer yet. I can't even remove it from there.
Because I use this FW maybe the right place for the question is here..

It is possible to use DLNA with shared folders from network and not just with attached drives?
I have more sources available as windows shared folders and I would like to use DLNA from my router AC87U
Any idea?

Thank you in advance!

Cross post:


People have read your posts. If they know the answer, they'll answer you.

Cross posting doesn't make your voice louder nor understood.
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Hello! Firmware 380.57 had an issue.
There is no way to enable 802.11d wlan regulation mode!
Without enabling this feature, my devices gets wrong country code, drops down mcs index and speed at same level of router's tx power and rssi on client's side.

5GHZ 802.11ac test.
12m from router, directional 9dbi antennas.
( 585mbps @ 378.55.4 - country code: #a ) 700mw
( 243mbps @ 380.57.1 - country code: disabled) 1000mw

What "Channel bandwidth" and "Control Channel" did you used? On my windows tablet I had the option to disable 802.11d and then the things changed. I didn't found this option on all devices.
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Since when FCC rules the world?

Since 1944 after Bretton Woods Conference :rolleyes:... Not sure 10 or 20 years down the road, right now just like the dollar, FCC has non-trivial influcence to the rest of the world.

But the point really is that HGG fork empowers users to break RF regulations almost in every single developed country and emerging markets on Earth. In addition to that is the GPL violation which many open source believers cannot tolerate. Together then advocating HGG fork makes your appeal to "FCC crippled my router" not any more morally right.

People who like this fork shall write to, talk to hggomes. Request him to comply with GPL license. Ask him to conduct the development of this fork openly on the forum (here or elsewhere) just like other firmware developers (such as Rmerlin and John).
How says he hasn't? Or is there an invisible internet filter that prohibits anyone from hiding their true identity behind a screen name? :cool:

I heard that HGGomes is in cahoots with Putin, and he is using this firmware as a tool to gather data from across the USA and EU.

enjoying the conspiracy theories on this thread.
Though there has been valid discussion about GPL violation and licensing of this firmware, I have not seen any offer to help HGGomes, such as clean source code up, setup a github account or encourage to join here and discuss how we can fix things.
HGGomes attempted to contribute and with help could work out any issues, hopefully its not too late.
Though there has been valid discussion about GPL violation and licensing of this firmware, I have not seen any offer to help HGGomes, such as clean source code up, setup a github account or encourage to join here and discuss how we can fix things.
HGGomes attempted to contribute and with help could work out any issues, hopefully its not too late.

Yeah, cleaning, documenting the work to be well done it always takes a lot of time and is very boring. It is a thing that is not challenging the mind and usually is the last thing that is done in a project.
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