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Happy 4th anniversary to us!

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Congrats Eric on being a major part of the best router support going. My first Asus router was the N66U running your firmware. Cheers!
thanks for providing one of the most fun firmwares to play with :p

I remember waiting for nearly a year after the initial announcement to get an RT-N66U (and it took even longer than expected, as Canadian availability only happened a few months after the US release). The specs were slightly below the original product announced (the SD slot was no longer an "official" feature even tho it was still there), but it was still the first "true high end home router" on the market back then. 32 MB of flash? We were used to struggling with getting DD-WRT to fit on those routers with only 4-8 MB of flash back then :)

I still have mine too, amongst my other development devices. Its cover is permanently unscrewed, as I would often use it to do debugging over its serial port. Now I rarely power it on anymore, its flash is much slower than all other models, making it less interesting as a development/testing platform. The RT-AC56U replaced it for that primary development purpose.

Congratulations man! And a huge thank you! I still use my N66U... only on John's fork. Reasons u know ;).
Congratulations and Happy Birthday!! It must be difficult to support all those different models now, compared to four years ago. I was quite scared when all those rumors were being spread regarding the FCC and other organizations forcing router manufacturers to lock down their firmwares... and I'm glad that in the end it's not as bad as expected, as least not for us Asuswrt users :) Looking forward to the future of this project (I've only been using these builds for one and a half years now, on my AC87, which is slowly but surely turning into a stable device...finally, lol)
Congratulations, thanks for al your hard works. I've bought an Asus router after I was reading about your firmware at tweakers.net

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