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Help with router PC build

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I've searched these forums and around in general to find a good solution to replace my current RT-AC66U w/ Asuswrt-Merlin. One of the builds that inspired me was https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Kesl_Vrys/saved/GsdWZL, but this is rather dated. Not being up-to-speed on the necessary hardware/incompatibilities, I opted to not try and build my own... at least not going off of a dated list.

Perhaps it will be better to list my requirements. As mentioned above, my current router/wifi/vpn setup mostly lives in my RT-AC66U. From there, I am tied into a couple other switches throughout the house, using some of the Netgear Powerline devices to give my Chromecasts decent signal. This is ok up until I get one TV streaming and my PS4 trying to play online. Evening using Q0S to give my gaming device priority, it's still very laggy.

As for VPN, my entire network runs through OpenVPN configured on the router, with a few select devices bypassing the tunnel. I am currently on a 100Mbit service, but due to processor limitations, I only see about 25Mbit max.

My goal is to either build a PC (perhaps with pfSense?) or purchase a router meeting the hardware requirements. I would like:
  • must be able to encrypt at a rate relatively close to my ISP speed (currently only getting 1/4 of my available speed)
  • preferred rack-mountable case
  • preferred PC software have some what of a GUI for configuring (so 6 months down the road I am not trying to find the commands needed to exclude devices from VPN tunnel, etc)
  • need an accompanying rack-mountable switch to service different rooms
  • recommended solutions to deliver wifi for each room (Netgear Powerlines may still be fine here)
One pre-build device I did stumble across was https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=370-0003-000G9, but this is a bit out of my price range. Looking to stay around $500, maybe $600 max for everything.

Any other suggestions/alterations are certainly recommended. I've been out of the PC building/network field for many years and I feel a bit lost/far behind with the best whole-house solution.

Thanks in advance!
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My primary use case is running three OpenVPN clients to a location on the other side of the globe and selectively routing traffic over the tunnels. I was looking for improved performance over the VPN tunnels compared to what I was able to obtain from a consumer grade router. I was able to obtain a used Windows 7 PC with an Intel i5 CPU that supports AES-NI and converted it to a pfSense appliance. The only investment I had to make was a $15 Network card. Found references on the net that shows how to flash the firmware. The USB method is recommended.

My dream router is the
https://www.netgate.com/solutions/pfsense/sg-5100.html. Good OpenSSL benchmarks which helps with the VPN performance. Added benefit is the selective routing rules can be done in the web GUI using a combination of Firewall rules, alias lists and IPv4 lists features on pfBlockerNG package.

Take a look at offerings by
http://www.lannerinc.com/ and

They each have models with SFP connections. These models are worth considering if you have fiber cable connection to the home.
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