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How to keep VPN from dropping (PIA)

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Occasional Visitor
Long time reader, first time poster.

I keep running into an issue with my VPN tunnel to PIA. It seems like the tunnel will drop (and need to be manually restarted) at least every other day. Is there a setting I should be using to help keep the tunnel up longer, or is there a way I can set the tunnel to restart on it's own every day?

Here are a few screenshots of my current VPN settings. I'm running this on my AC86U on the latest stable merlin build. Thanks for whatever advice you can share. :)

Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 8.15.33 AM.png
Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 8.15.04 AM.png
Go onto the PIA forum.

Someone wrote up a good detailed How-to a few years ago.

Don't have the link saved anymore unfortunately.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
There's a great guide here:


key bit:

pull-filter ignore "auth-token" This will fix the problem when re connection is not established after one day. This fix is only for PIA but if you experience similar issues try using this command.

I second that, I used this guide a few year's ago when I was having issue's with PIA before I switched VPN Provider's and can say this guide did in fact help, and saved me a lot of hair pulling lol.
I use PIA, and my VPN has never gone down (well, if it does, it comes back up without me noticing)
One difference I notice is that your poll interval is 0, which is disabled. Mine is 5. Try that.
In custom config, I have:

verb 1
auth SHA1

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