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Internet Lag on both 2.4G and 5G

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Occasional Visitor
Just got the RT-N66 and set it up with default settings with WPA2. However, the internet connection via wireless on both 2.4G and 4G exhibits bouts of lagginess. Sometimes, when we click on a site, it takes quite long for it to load and the browser may even go to an offline page.
Then suddenly it comes back up. When it is connected, it really is fast compared to my previous Dlink Dir-655 but these bouts of lag really turns me off this new router. It happens every 5-10 mins on both 2.4 and 5G.
Can anyone suggest a fix or settings change to help?
The internet connection is not dropped as the router logs seem to indicate that there was no lost connection.
Am presently on Starhub Cable Ultimate 100MPS..
Which firmware are you using? Have you picked the least used channel in your area? What do you have the power settings at?
I think more info is needed to help you trouble shoot your problem.
Make sure you are running FW Go to LAN -> Switch Control and make sure to disable GRO support.
Hi all..
Thanks.. was running Merlin's latest firmware and after some tinkering, the router now works blazingly FAST!
Settings I used:
2.4G, off b/g protection, Channel 1 (no others around with it), 20/40Mhz,
5G, Channel 36, 40Mhz
Under professional: tx bursting, wireless multicast forwarding, WMM, - all enable
WAN: used DNS server 1 and DNS server 2
All other settings default

Above seems to work FINE so far!.. No lag at all now, seems to beat my Dlink DIR655 by much.. will monitor and see if it holds out!

Thanks again!
DNS servers

I ran DNSBench and found that a local DNS service has faster response time than google's...
Should I change the DNS servers to this local ISP servers?
Would it help increase the speed of internet surfing?

I ran DNSBench and found that a local DNS service has faster response time than google's...
Should I change the DNS servers to this local ISP servers?
Would it help increase the speed of internet surfing?


It's always better to use your ISP's DNS server. Some DNS servers will return IPs of different web servers depending on your location. So for example, Google's DNS servers might return the IP of their Youtube Server on the west coast of the US, while your ISP will return IPs of servers that are geographically closer to you, resulting in better performance streaming videos.

The same applies to large companies that uses Akamai caching servers for downloads (Microsoft is one of them) - using your ISP's DNS might point you at closer, therefore faster servers.

A DNS lookup is only done once, and then it's cached for future queries. It's far more important for you to connect to a web server that will actually send data faster to you during a download than those 2 ms you might save with a different DNS servers on that single DNS query you will send during that whole download :)

In summary: DNS benchmarks are useless.
Hi Merlin
THanks for your advice.. have switched DNS to a local ISP's.
However, I seem to be having some problems lately. Am using your 246.20 firmware.
On 2 of my laptops, the 2.4 and 5G internet connection seems to go to 'sleep' once in a while...
When it is connected, the loading of pages is very fast..
However, every few minutes, a page will suddenly 'lag', and sometimes not load up with any browser I tried.. Chrome will have a 'unable to resolve DNS' type of error message.. but when I click the reload, sometimes suddenly, it will come back again.
It's quite frustrating whenever it happens..
Could you give any advice? should I change to your 19b firmware instead?
2.4G settings are 20MHz, Channel 1 (least crowded channel), Beacon 50, CTS 1, RTS 2347
5G settings are 40Mhz, Channel 36, Beacon 50, CTS 1, RTS 2347
THanks again!

It's always better to use your ISP's DNS server. Some DNS servers will return IPs of different web servers depending on your location. So for example, Google's DNS servers might return the IP of their Youtube Server on the west coast of the US, while your ISP will return IPs of servers that are geographically closer to you, resulting in better performance streaming videos.

The same applies to large companies that uses Akamai caching servers for downloads (Microsoft is one of them) - using your ISP's DNS might point you at closer, therefore faster servers.

A DNS lookup is only done once, and then it's cached for future queries. It's far more important for you to connect to a web server that will actually send data faster to you during a download than those 2 ms you might save with a different DNS servers on that single DNS query you will send during that whole download :)

In summary: DNS benchmarks are useless.
Try disabling Enhanced interference management on the Wireless -> Professional page.

Also try setting the DTIM interval (3), Beacon Interval (100), Wireless Multicast Forwarding (Disabled) to their default values if you haven't tested them on these settings yet.
Thanks merlin
I reflashed it with 19b and set it to DTIM 2 and beacon 50, disabled wireless multicast and it seems to be much better... and more stable too.
But once or twice it had a transient disconnection which the log showed up as
"WAN Connection: ISP's DHCP did not function properly." but it reestablished within a few seconds although it was enough to get the kids worked up as it disconnected their online Warcraft game..;-P
Also, the Xbox360, which is wired to the router with a Homeplug network seems not too work well at all... is there any suggestions for this?
Thanks so much for all the help and advice.!
if it is windows go to power plan advanced and set wireless adapter to high performance , see if it helps
Thanks merlin
I reflashed it with 19b and set it to DTIM 2 and beacon 50, disabled wireless multicast and it seems to be much better... and more stable too.
But once or twice it had a transient disconnection which the log showed up as
"WAN Connection: ISP's DHCP did not function properly." but it reestablished within a few seconds although it was enough to get the kids worked up as it disconnected their online Warcraft game..;-P
Also, the Xbox360, which is wired to the router with a Homeplug network seems not too work well at all... is there any suggestions for this?
Thanks so much for all the help and advice.!

I usually get that message myself when the router boots, but not afterward. However my ISP does give fairly long leases, so that might be why I never noticed any other issue.

I need to see what generates this message. I have a growing suspicion that the DHCP change Asus did with build 220 isn't playing nice with some ISPs. One ISP for instance told their customer that his router was sending a flood of DHCP queries within a short span, causing his MAC address to be banned for a few minutes. That was the reason why he would occasionally lose connection, and be unable to reconnect until either he rebooted his router, or waited a few minutes.
I need to see what generates this message. I have a growing suspicion that the DHCP change Asus did with build 220 isn't playing nice with some ISPs.
With my ISP it works great. I passed from a total unpredictable DHCP lease to a 4 day clockwork lease.

- lfbb

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