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ISP bridge and DSL AC68U (SOLVED)

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Hi! I am having some headaches with setting up my Asus AC68U. ISP's modem/router here in Switzerland is very bad and I cannot access it's GUI (they have something they call online cockpit, which is shirt), so I bought Asus. Now, we set the providers device as a bridge but I cannot access Asus GUI, for the life of me, to set it properly up.

I am not an expert in networking by far.
If you plug a pc/laptop on Asus' LAN port, you should receive an ip address in range of
Asus will be default gateway,
And you can do an http to this ip and voila!
Asus doesn't need to have WAN port connected to the ISP bridge to allow administrative access.
Sweet, worked like a charm.

Now, when going through setup wizzard it tells me that "DSL link status: Down. Ensure that phone cable is connected."
I have connected wan 1 on bridge to wan 1 on router. Laptop is in wan4 port.

If i skip the wizzard and go to GUI, internet status is said to be disconnected. So i am writing this from my phone.

Now, when going through setup wizzard it tells me that "DSL link status: Down. Ensure that phone cable is connected."
It looks like you are using a DSL-AC68U, not an RT-AC68U. Is that correct?
I have connected wan 1 on bridge to wan 1 on router. Laptop is in wan4 port.
I think you are talking about LAN ports on the DSL-AC68U not WAN ports.
If i skip the wizzard and go to GUI, internet status is said to be disconnected.
That would make sense. It's expecting you to plug your phone line directly into its WAN port.
That firmware is over a year old, you might want to update it.
If you plug you phone line directly into the DSL-AC68U you do not need your ISP's modem/router at all (this is usually the preferred option). But you do need to know what settings to use to configure the ADSL. If you can't get that information from your ISP router/modem or by asking your ISP then you are forced to use it in bridged mode (as you first asked about).

To use your existing router/modem in bridge mode you will need to reassign one of the LAN ports on the DSL-AC68U as a WAN port instead. There are instructions for that here: https://www.asus.com/uk/support/FAQ/1016292/
Guys! We did it =)
Called ISP customer service again and this time got a more geeky person, so that was great!

Told him that I have a DSL router and after he checked he told me that their network is somehow not configured for it and I need to disable the DLS ports. So all I did was to connect to the router (after updating the firmware) and disabled dsl and configured LAN 1 as a primary.

Thank you for helping me, it gave me a significant boost. Ive been at it since 10am and its 6pm now.

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