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No 2.4ghz in Dropbox / Wireless - Professional tab

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Occasional Visitor
Hi Everyone,
(Using 378.55 on a RT-AC66U)
Since a few month (and firmware updates), I have lost the ability to select the 2.4ghz option in the drop down menu in the Wireless/Professional tab.
This was not an issue as long as I did not need to tweak anything.
I just tried to setup the wireless scheduler and it only affects the 5ghz band as I cannot select the 2.4ghz.
Any cure for this?
With all those firmware updates, have you ever reset to factory default? You might want to try that now..
Known problem when moving between certain firmware levels....time for a factory reset (which will also make sure the internal wireless settings are matched to the firmware).
:eek: I was secretly hoping to get another idea

I'll make a note of my config and redo everything by hand to be on the safe side...
@HBb - Well, there is a quick fix. But if you have this problem it's likely that your wireless isn't optimized and you should do the reset as some point. Here's the quick fix....via telnet/ssh
nvram set wl0_nband=2
nvram set wl1_nband=1
nvram commit
Thanks at lot for this, John, it worked. :)

I think I will go for the big reset at the time of the next FW upgrade. My config is getting so complex, with broadband backup connection, fixed IPs, port forwards and you name it that I need maybe to rethink all of this first...

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