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Openvpn pre-configured?

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would you mind dumping the contents of /etc/smb.conf here?

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = RT-AC68U
server string = RT-AC68U
unix charset = UTF8
display charset = UTF8
log file = /var/log.samba
log level = 0
max log size = 5
security = USER
guest ok = no
map to guest = Bad User
encrypt passwords = yes
pam password change = no
null passwords = yes
max protocol = NT1
passdb backend = smbpasswd
smb encrypt = disabled
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
force directory mode = 0777
force create mode = 0777
max connections = 5
obey pam restrictions = no
use spnego = no
client use spnego = no
disable spoolss = yes
host msdfs = no
strict allocate = No
bind interfaces only = yes
interfaces = br0 
use sendfile = yes
map archive = no
map hidden = no
map read only = no
map system = no
store dos attributes = yes
dos filemode = yes
oplocks = yes
level2 oplocks = yes
kernel oplocks = no
wide links = no

And below that is my shares.
ok, you'll need to make a copy of that whole config to /jffs/configs/smb.conf

before your shares, add;

hosts deny =

then, run;

service restart_nasapps

which should overwrite /etc/smb.conf when it reloads, if not, reboot
ok, you'll need to make a copy of that whole config to /jffs/configs/smb.conf

before your shares, add;

hosts deny =

then, run;

service restart_nasapps

which should overwrite /etc/smb.conf when it reloads, if not, reboot

Seems to work, really really thank you.
But how come its not blocket by iptables?

This command:
iptables -I FORWARD -s -d -j DROP
Blocks access to my other LAN smb shares.
While the iptables for tun22 don´t block for the routers smb share. Just wonder why?

Is there some risk that more things are open at this vpn connection or is it safe if I do like this:
iptables -I FORWARD -s -d -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -i tun22 -p udp ! --dport 53 -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -i tun22 -p tcp -j DROP

hosts deny =
in /jffs/configs/smb.conf

This way this vpn connection only passess traffic through my ip and can´t access my LAN at all? Correct?

Edit: One last question, why are we only blocking one port @ udp, but all @ tcp?
Edit2: Now I start to understand, we are in fact blocking all udp but not port 53, since there is a "!" ?
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